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This is a safe and sacred space on The Journey for folks around the world. This is NEITHER a church organization NOR an alternative. We enjoy our congregations. Our pastors and ministers shepherd us well. We do not solicit you in any form or fashion in this space. Be blessed. Enjoy. Live YOUR life well. We hope you are inspired. You are in an intended safe space. |
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Previous PROGRAMS still streaming IN THE CHAPEL (click on a title to view its stream). See left panel for Program List. Newest at the top. |
3.50 Hallelujah (Year End Episode) Love - Oh, How Excellent. Love is an active, accountable, responsible 'being' that makes decisions reflective of its authentic self. When a problem has a solution, it is not a problem; it is a decision. How we might to use time wisely and find home again. |
3.49 God With Us (Christmas Episode) Love breathes life. In times like these with no stable place to live and life is unstable, love changes everything. What next when home is lost! |
3.48 A Champion's Mind Love is not easily angered. We are the 'creation' proper and fititng, 'made' irrevocably worthy of the veracity, vitality and viability of authentic love. Being transformed by the renewing of the mind. |
3.47 A Bitter Crop Love is not self-seeking. We are all quirky and unique, and that's what makes us wonderfully human. We are the 'instruments' proper, fititng and effective enough to endure the task of verifying the viability, vitality and longevity of authentic love. What makes us so special? |
Love is not rude. Sometimes the closer we get the farther apart we feel. We begin to uncover whether love is the most powerful force in the universe. We discover that love liberates. |
QUOTE "Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love." - Martin Luther King Jr. |
3.44 When The Hum Is Gone Love is not proud. Love's unconditionality - a year of saying yes, featuring Shonda Rhimes, CeeCee Winans, Katy Perry and Yan Dall'Aglio |
Love does not boast. Love has a secret super-power. In this episode we explore what it is and discover why love does not boast. This episode features Michael Patrick Lynch presenting 'How To See Past Your Own Perspective and Find Truth,' and we get the Most Awesome Advice Ever. |
3.42 Love does not Envy Envy! The destructive nature of envy is exposed in this episode. Facing their real life quandry, Caitlin Quatromani and Lauran Arledge describes how their friendship survives their opposing politics. |
Kindness is an action requiring bravery and compassion. No act of kindness of ever wasted, but how is this element of the fruit of the spirit, this quality of being, define authentic love. What is its true value? This episode features 'The Power of Words', Jeff Bezos, Johnny Orlando, Get Service, and Letters To Strangers by Hannah Brencher. |
What is patience? Is patience a virtue? Let's clear away a few misconceptions and untruths, reveal the magnificent meaning of Love Is Patient, then experience the joy that comes with its good news. Featuring Mandy Len Cantron (Falling in Love is the Easy Part), Judson Brewer (How to Break a Bad Habit), and Jayna (Take Me To The King). |
^- The True Nature of Authentic Love [ 3:40 to SEASON 4.] -^ |
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3:33 Creativity: Designed for Joy Description |
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3.29 Creating Space For Growth Being authentically human, finding and expanding that space in which our humanity can expand and thrive. Featuring Adam Altar, Daniel Goldstein, Lynda Randle, Kathryn Shultz, Peter Sage and Josh Groban |
Leaders learning to speak truth to power by effectively using the authentic voice, including examples and exercises. Featuring Julian Treasure, Robin Williams, Yolanda Adamas, Richard Green, Lebo and others. |
It is essention to build an effective team to support wotrthy achievment then never give up in your drive to accomplishing the dream. Featuring Diana Nyad, India Arie, Ruth Chang, Indigo, Cheryl Strayad and others. |
Be prepared to be amazed. Enjoy better conversations. Celeste Headlee, Kio Stark, Beyonce, Seth Godin, Simon Lancaster, Brian McKnight, Helen Fisher, Bebe Winans. |
Developing a grounded life - reassesing and redefinding compassion for our times with Krista Tippett, Simon Sinek, Selena Gomez, John Legend and CeCe Winans. |
Trust is choosing to make something important to you vulnerable to the actions of someone else. We're examining the significant role trust plays in leadership as well as in our private lives, how it can be fostered, how it is destroyed and how it might be repaired. This examination features Brene Brown, Rod Stewart, Ariande Grande, Luther Vandross, along with leadership tips from millenial entrepreneurs. |
A CEO in Waiting. Great leaders have many admirable traits. These are honed in every day experiences, decisions and practices. For those opting to lead from the soul, effectiveness involves frank and frequent vertical, horizontal and spherical communication. Here, through shared experiences and revelations, we are beginning to search out an understanding of some of these transformative traits. Featuring Anne Lamott, Drew Dudley, VaShawn Mitchell and Andrea Bocelli. |
^- LEADERSHIP series - Here I AM, Lord - [3:23 - 3:30] -^ |
Strong. Brave. Capable. Valued. Gifted. Possessed of joy, hope, peace and love. Treasured. Entrusted. Loved. Courageous. Featuring Brene Brown on The Power of Vulnerability. See the anatomy of our best and worst selves. |
Searching for AP (Episode 6), featuring Meryl Streep, Prince Royce, and Josh Groban. To be authentic on this amazing planet, to fearlessly explore awesome possibilities of life and living, requires, as one of Meryl Streep's characters implies, a good measure of chutzpah, but never hubris! Empathy is the engine that powers all the best in us. |
Searching for AP (Episode 5). Learn to live and play outside your comfort zone. Change happens all the time, it is up to us to choose growth. Discover what happens when God enters the scene. |
There IS a sacred space in each of us. Inviolate! The home of love. A place of truth. Could it ever be desolate? Sullied? Sold out? Re-purchased? Un-touched? That's what is explored in 'Searching for AP: Episode 4. Featuring Viola Davis. |
Searching for AP (Episode 3). Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. The value of KINDNESS. When the sun rises, I am the time. When the children play, I am the rhyme. Just look for me. Featuring Viola Davis and Uncle Willie. |
Searching for AP (Episode 2). Tiptoeing through hearts, minds and souls - touching, tasting, discovering other realities - experiencing miracles. with Charles Jenkins, poets Anna Binkovits, Grand Slam Champion Harry Baker, Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye, and 10 mindful minutes with monk Andy Puddycombe. |
Arise. This Is A New Day. Stronger than yesterday. You are on a MISSION. We have just left the Open Tomb. YOU are entering 'The New Day' region - a reported terrain of wonder and amazement, challenge and discoveries, storms, sunshine, stunners, stampedes and surprises, with breathtaking landmarks along The Journey. Sitting around or standing by staring is NOT recommended. |
^ NEW DAY series - The Mission: Find AP - [3:16 - 3:22] ^ |
Arise. Shine. Soar. You can do all things. The secret to becoming mentally strong, liberating the mind, recreating healthier realities; overcoming, features Amy Morison, Pentatonix, Maya Angelou and talented young singers. |
It Is Finished - a remarkable rendition of Easter in The Chapel: Free To Be Awesome, featuring stiring, transformative performances from Larnelle Harris, Sandi Patty, Mary Mary, The Brooklyn Tarbanacle Choir, along with a surprisingly unique perspective from Latif Nasser. Be ready to soar. |
If a just God delivered Daniel from the lion's den and three Hebrew boys from a fiery furnace, why doesn't this very God deliver us all from misery and death? To explore this stirring question this week's presentation features the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, the Nathaniel Dett Chorale, Jekyl & Hyde, the Mississippi Mass Choir, Alabaster Box, CeCe Winans, and an evocative Spoken Word by Jefferson Bethke. |
What do you do in the face of doubt, despair and surrender? What reality are you creating for yourself? Here is a remarkable transformative perspective from our lenten journey through Gethsemane, featuring Yolanda Adams, Steve Balsamo, Kristene DeMarco, Isaac Lidsky, Leo Rojas and Jotta A. |
Oh what a man! "You are forever mine." A powerful Lenten inspirational of truth, compassion and trust, featuring Yolanda Adams and Jotta A, continuing on our journey to Gethsemene. "We will run and not be weary. We will walk and not faint. Fly." |
A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. The real joy in conversation is in intimacy: honesty, integrity, transparency. We see Jesus. |
^ ON THE ROAD TO GETHSEMANE: 3.10 - 3.12 ^ |
K-N-O-C-K - On becoming your own CEO! Taking control of your life is an epic kncok-down-drag-out session this week in The Chapel. The light is on. Discover why desire is not enough and what it takes to make it through. |
A piercing and revealing look inside the origins of our individual creativity and authentic beauty en route to discovering who we are at the best of ourselves. |
Don't give up. Everybody wants to be understood. Everbody wants to be loved. Everyone needs to be heard. dance with me. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. In that light, we learn to let go of the stuff that does not serve our well-being. We learn to let them go. |
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul, that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to minds. Discover the wonder of a Great Love, with Helen Fisher, Hannah Brencher, and a slate of inspiring singers. |
Even on days like these, a fresh new perspective can change everything in remarkable new ways! Experience the transformation of thought with Sue Austin as she goes wheelchair diving. And be inspired by the power of thought. |
If true then mighty; if false then misery! A sample of reasoning that will lift your heart and let you soar. Nature, Art, Science & Beauty with Schwartzberg & Sussman drawn together in this photographic discourse. |
Insightful reverberations of grace, compassion and leadership: why these matter now more than ever, featuring BeBe & CeCe Winans, Leah, and Yolanda. |
The rediscovery of wonder! When it matters, how right are you? Ric Elias and Kathryn Schultz keep us riveted. |
Come dance with me. Meet the God who only knows four words, featuring Aimee Mullins and the Opportunity of Diversity |
A Grand Opening of Season 3 with prayer and praise featuring Pentatonix. |
The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few fun games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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