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Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:
how much of your brain do you use?
Do not neglect the gift that is in you.
living water
I am made in the image of God, not your image of God. The truth of the matter is that lust is not just about sex. Certainly in our world today there is a great lust for power and for money and for wealth and for all of the things that will often lead us to destruction. You can't help but see in our culture this great lust for power, this great lust for finding what is only beneficial to one's self. The notion of lust is when we do things only for our own needs and not for the needs of others. There are pieces of our lives and piecces of the world in which we live in where lust is very evident. So often in our culture we've been taught to think only about ourselves, to think only about our needs, to think only about what serves us rather than the greater community and the responsibilities that each of us has been given by the God-given grace of God's love to share with the world. And that's another cool thing my Senior Pastor told us.
Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
"Truth is never altered by lies - no matter how elegant, convenient or appealing. Lies are an entity onto itself. |
Truth and love! Yes, I know! It seems I keep circling back to the very three themes, namely, Our Awesome God, Abiding L O V E, and Gratitude. Is that it? Yes. And no. Oh, but I do have a tinsy-winsy bit of a story recognizing how awesomely our Creator designed us brain worthy! This week while counseling math students struggling to find a resolution to a certain real life problem and who were experiencing a few gray-matter issues grasping certain algebraic concepts of the calculus required to solve it, I had a flashback to the history of zero, and of negative numbers, and of so-called imaginary numbers, back to when these concepts were first revealed. Their revelation raised grave suspicions within certain prevailing religious communities and other powerful entities. Zero was first to experience the brutal impact of coming to life - branded satanic! People who employed zero were ostracized and many killed accused of being instruments of evil dealing with this ungodly creation, dabbling with making something out of nothing. Oh, boy aren't we glad we arrived after Zero was baptized and born again! Zero has since transformed our habitation. Litterally. It's everywhere! Truth is, it's always been everywhere; our kind just did not recognize it. Right in front of our eyes, but our eyes couldn't see it. Right at the reach of our brain but our mind couldn't grasp it. Then came negative numbers! What? Unseemly then! Seeming rather innocuous now. You know, -1, -2, -23, and so on! One brilliant mathematician - Gauss - who devised the likes of such got smart and hid his discovery until he was on his deathbed. Oh, boy! Nevertheless, such concepts, after years and years, got baptized as numbers and became most holy when, ahem, shall I say armed hypocrites discovered 'negative numbers' to be a darn good and perfect way to proclaim how much debt they are owed!!! Put away the guillotine! She owes me money. Zeroing her will negate me. Don't kill her; I'll keep her in slavery. Now even children readily recognize the natural value of negative numbers. Yet, to this day, just in case you travel widely, there are still places and communites and societies in which certain numbers are taboo, banned, deadly. Beware of the number you use! And some numbers are illegal right where you are. You did not know that, did you? By the way, are you still afraid of thirteen? Oh, the pain and suffering such kinds of, ahem, shall I say people and thinking, inflict upon our world in the name of 'whatever' - are we not brainy enough to do better? Can we not resolve our issues in more brain-worthy ways? Are we not able to make that choice without abusing and brutalizing each other? Can an awesomely created brain - kept healthy - opt for better? We already know puppets are helpless. They need help getting up. Are you controlled by a puppeteer? Did God not declare in wisdom god's self - divinity - to be decidedly out of the puppeteering business? And gave us an awesome brain! And set us free? I am just thinking. What I can reveal is that a CENTRAL THEME of the next release of our Star-Five series, which follows 'Flight Of The Fused Monkeys' featuring the young holy-man, the which you may have read or heard by now (or grab this chance), uses a piercing bright light to parse this thing we call TRUTH, which we clamor helplessly over, for and about, abusing ourselves and others to useless ends in the process! People, be ready! Life is full of great transforming stories. You are probably one. |
Come, let us all be friends for once, Yunus Emre
"It is not our experience that makes our lives, it is what we do with it"When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to more than I can be.
Being fully functional and wholly human! |
A Moment Of Truth! What I find particularly useful, illustrative and transforming about these people's amazing findings and revelations is their ability to look at situations in a new and novel way, in ways the rest of humankind had not done previously. That, together with their boldness pursuing this new view of life and the courage to reveal their findings, changed our view of everything - opened new avenues of life and living. It is quite remarkable. We are the beneficiaries. There is so much we take for granted. There is so much joy we miss trapped in haughtiness. Yes, I know the brain is linked to the heart - literally and figuratively. At times you'll need this very calculus to sort out their machinations. Oh, but how marvelous that we are endowed with such brains! Let our children be free to use them to explore this marvelous universe, much of which is yet to be disovered and revealed while yet being this very moment in our sight and reach untouched and unseen.
"Knowledge that takes you not beyond yourself is far worse than ignorance." Elif Shafak. . |
Something To Consider |
“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?” – George Bernard Shaw |
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