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Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:
how do you stand where you do?
Do not neglect the gift that is in you.
living water
I am made in the image of God, not your image of God. Those of us who are called to be followers of Jesus are also called to be infectious, to be those people who are exuberant and excited about what God is doing in our lives and in our church, to be exicted in the way God calls us as the people of God - just like those early apostles, to pay it forward, and to remind ourselves that we are part of a contiuum. We are not just an isolated group of people in a particular period of time. We have a history. We are a people on the move. We are not called to be the chosen frozen. We are called to be on fire for Jesus. (Talking about the apostles) The way their lives were being transformed is they were able to move from me to we. Be reminded that we were built to be a community. And that's another cool thing my Senior Pastor told us.
Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
"I learn silence from the talkative and tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind." |
Is my disappointment showing? I'd rather it not turn into disgust, lest it infect my embrace. So let us commiserate for a bit walking on shifting sands, see if our wealth (of joy, of grace, of love, of compassion, of community, of knowledge, of growing, of health) is diminished (or impoverished) by these unpredictable grains. It would be most unfortunate if in the process of this chatter I be found guilty of passing judgment, the very thing I am about to judiciously protest. Uh, most unfortunate! Rather, let's walk arm around each other for a while. First, hear my cry! Then let sweet kisses spoil the rough winds. I just read an open letter posted by one of my childhood classmates. Back in childhood we were (to tone it down a bit) in the 'bright kids' class. Lovely family. Her dad was then a member of parliament and Minister of Education. She's done well. We've kept sparsely in touch throughout these years. I've always known her to be outspoken. And certain! Very assured!! I have on a few occasions earned her 'courageous man of God' crown of approval; granted, it's a 'crown' graciously accepted but which I confess is unsought and fits uncomfortably on an adventurous head. And if a lack of humility or false pride this displays, the truth is, being a proud beneficiary of grace is more than sufficient for me. God knows. Perhaps, this is another reason why at times my mother used to say to me, "Son, it is very wise to know when to keep your mouth shut." Himm? And I was such a quiet boy! On this other hand - however accurate or missaplied the tag of 'open-minded' has occasionaly been velcroed onto yours trully - the fact is I relish being open to a great big wide cross-section of views and insights and interpretations and opinons, and the like. These inform me. They enlighten me. These educate me. They grow me. They delight me. And not for one iota of a second do these ever rob me of my own view or insight or interpretation of opinion or stance! Not for a moment. I do not possess all seeing eyes or an allknowing mind. And not for over a few moments would I knowingly and consciously waste more precious time on an opinion or interpretation or view or whatever, which from my perspective, I have already debunked, found to be untrue, misleading, corrupting, corrosive, disingenuous, divisive, or the like. And I too want justice!!! The very thing my friend is DEMANDING IMMEDIATELY - swift justice! In her open letter she details this required justice - blood for blood, for God demands it! - she explains, pointing out who exactly is responsble for executing this justice. She quotes scriptures confirming God's requirement of blood for blood and the further punishments to us all - throughout the nation - if this demand is not swiftly met. She knows who is guilty and the nature of their crimes. They are detailed in the open letter. And has made it very clear she speaks as a 'believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.' So, you may ask, since I am so openminded, why don't I just post that open letter so that each of you can judge it for yourselves? Is someone pushing for my exposed disappointment to slip into vulgar disgust? My answer is No!! My purpose for this walk across these shifting sands is not to seek any judgment or discussion of that open letter (she has every right to make her claim and to do so as forcibly as her heart and mind and soul requires of her). My purpose is to lift up into these raging winds the banner of justice! What IS JUSTICE in the face of CERTAIN GUILT? How is JUSTICE wisely achieved? Has God told us exactly how JUSTICE is to be executed? What happens if we (you, or I, or any and all of us) disobey God? What happens if we misrepresent God? What happens if we gloriously misunderstand God? Your turn! |
Come, let us all be friends for once, Yunus Emre
"It is not our experience that makes our lives, it is what we do with it"When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to more than I can be.
Being fully functional and wholly human! |
A Moment Of Truth! Words do have power - in their uttered moments and way beyond. This reality is one of the central discusions and presentations in ILICET - A Time To Begin Again, a memoir some have reported they keep by their bedsides and return to time and again. I find, as well, some words to have taste and texture and tremendous influence on the course of life and love and community and nature! It is quite remarkable. Words can destroy. Words can heal. Isn't it remarkable too that we refer to our scriptures as The Word? And what about Jesus? And the word became flesh! Amazing. Then again, words can be just a blow of hot air! Or just bad breadth! Oh, the mysteries of this life!
"Knowledge that takes you not beyond yourself is far worse than ignorance." Elif Shafak. . |
Something To Consider |
“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?” – George Bernard Shaw |
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These are 'so-called' anamolies. If you are queasy about being exposed to such anamolies, you may want to skip this video. They are REAL humans!
May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey.
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