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Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:
admirable traits of effective leaders
Do not neglect the gift that is in you.
living water
“God was so desperate to be in a relationship with us, that God would come to us in the form of Jesus and leave us in the form of Christ. And, unltimately, in that leaving of us, sent this Holy Spirit . . . that spirit of fire that sent us back into the world so that we might speak in the tongues of all nations." And that's another cool thing my Senior Pastor told us.
"Be weary of the naked man offering you a shirt."
"Trust is choosing to make something important to you vulnerable to the actions of someone else." |
"Distrust is: what I have shared with you that is important to me is not safe with you." |
Of course, one has first to be born. One has to exist in a required time and space. That done, great leaders, effective leaders, transformative leaders, become - they learn, they grow, they evolve, they embody the spirit of good leadership! It is who they are - eventually. If one's idea of leadership is 'command and control' this is the wrong time and definitely not the right space. Or if glamour, note: that glitter is tested in heat. This is a time and space for those who percieve leadership to be birthed in the soul and groomed in the environs of its calling, that it blossoms under weathering storms of necessity and triumphs in fulfillment of hope. Such persons, once on board, are in for one of life's wildest rides:
Why suffer the bother of trusting anyone, anyway?
As a result, humans are VULNERABLE. We are vulnerable to predators; SEVEN kinds by my count. We are vulnerable to ignorance! We're vulnerable to fears. Denial's comfort is short-lived. We need each other. Very often we do not realize that each and every one of us has a unique perspective not naturally available to anyone else until shared AND recieved. This requires trust. Each of us occupies a unique position in time and shape very different from that of others - cultural perspectives, language differences, educational background, personality traits, value systems - all of which greatly affect how information is individually processed and interpreted. Some people work well under pressure, others don't. Some respond best to tough love, others take it personally and shut down. Some people question every thing. They can be tiresome. Some people are very accepting and don't care if you think them naive. And a whole spectum in between! Effectiveness on each of our parts requires person to person customization. We don't know it all nor all we need to know; we must learn from each other. If the thought of all of that just got you exhausted, forget being a leader OR having a wonderful life. We NEED each other. The predator has many opportunities! It these realities just got you excited, welcome to a wild ride, otherwise known as Life! You were born for such a time as this. Here are a few leaders born for their times: Gideon, Samson, Joseph, David, Moses, Harriet, Helen, Rosa, King, Gandhi, Kenedy, Mandella. Their stories are so compelling, in the long run every attempt to besmirch or erase their legacies fail. Envy, Greed & Hubris will keep trying. Neverthless, believe it or not, because they were who they were, we are who we are! Their spirits are in us. |
Kick off your shoes! |
There are many types of leadership styles. Twelve is a good number, some more successful or more appropriate than others in particular situations and settings. We'll come to that later. How about we sit back for a bit, scratch our heads (or each other's), and start on the inside (or us)? Thoughts on becoming a leader!
Something To Consider |
Where are you going? You may use the train or the trolley. Note: those two experiences are quite different and the results are never the same. Just remember (as a human) when you are aboard one, you are definitely NOT on the other. To enter, to make the trip, you have to make a decision! Aha! You might be thinking. I'll try one then try the other. Compare and contrast. Think Again! (Go ahead, think it through.) You'll have to make a decision! Even if you just stand there. Toot-toot! |
Do you remember your first trolley ride? You haven't had a trolley ride? Oh, dear, what shall I do for you? Have you ever pretended you were along for a trolley ride? Oh, you have been on a trolley ride! |
Yes, I know. Memory plays tricks, like dreams! |
* * *As a leader, you sometimes have to get on board and lead others aboard without having ever yourself been aboard. Really! Actually, great leaders are doing that far more often than not! I'm not kidding you. Really! Oh, and very often you'll have to design the train or the trolley. With your bare hands! Don't worry, managers don't have to; they thrive on experience! You - leader - will have to take people into the promise land across a fierce ocean and over the desert with not enough food and lots of crying babies. And that one screamer whose only purpose in life is to prove you are a murderer! Now, train or trolley? |
You spoke to the Big Chief. You were bold. You were enthusiastic. You said, "Here I am, Lord. Send me." And now you are sent! Some leaders are called parents. Some leaders are called teachers. Some leaders are called mentors. Some leaders are called friends. Many leaders have no idea of the invisible many they are leading by their every step and for whom they are life's very glue. However, to keep your eyes wide open, you'll probably need these:
You'll probably want to create room for these:
It all begins with trust: trust in yourself, trust in your mission, trust in those who commisioned you. If you don't trust yourself, you will NOT trust anyone else. We have a thick history of those kind of leaders too! Doom! |
You are |
May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey.
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The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few fun games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: ILICET - A Time To Begin Again (True Story) SBL Series: 2:26 AM, The Gathering (Matchbox Mystery) and Flight Of The Fused Monkeys (5-Star Series). Life is beautiful and full of surprises. Breathe! Deeply. Enjoy top dramatic, inspirational, mystery, scifi, and true stories from along The Journey. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Learn with us. NOTE: 'Light On In The Chapel' is a safe space NOT a church organization nor an alternative. We love our congregation. This, also, is a safe space. We trust you're uplifted here. |
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