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We Are Creating Champions


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A New Era (Ep2)
An Extraordinary Adventure - Competent Courage - Expanding our inner models of reality; employing intelligent strategies for building long-lasting healthy relationships; exploring techniques suited for communal flourishing; developing the courage to be truly competent. Once again, we present a unique challenge. Join us on this extraordinary adventure. (Series Intro // Current Episode)

A Guyana Adventure
Ep 4 - Where Beauty Hides (Blue Morpho 4): During this segment of Ric Couchman's adventure we happen upon a remarkable discovery, a transformative awakening. We learn what is truly behind the booming evolution of Guyana and its people!. (Caribbean Environs || Lifestyle on The Journey)

SBL (Sound Byte Life) - a Matchbox Mystery series
2:26 AM - The Gathering (a Dramatized Immersive Matchbox Mystery): Flight 53149 passengers are caught in a generational death-trap (blessing vs curse) paradox - a legacy feud - Kauffers vs Gustavs. Eenter you, the mastermind! (What is a Matchbox Mystery?)

Mountainside Chats.
Let's Chat (Offline and on-line). Rich Conversations exercising Healthy MINDS. Engage with some of the freshest, indepth, honest, no holes barred discussions that enrich and renew minds. (Intimate Conversations)

Climb Higher.
Everything is figureoutable when we attend our mind to it. Become friends with people who are not your age. Hang out with people whose first language is not the same as yours. Get to know someone who doesn't come from your social class. It is a wonderful way to grow. (Personal Development)

Wonder Women on Their Journeys
Moments that Matter! Character. Courage. Commitment. Friendships. Extraordinary achievements by inspiring everyday ordinary women who took pitance and transformed it into magnificence. ( Our Women)


NEET Elegance
The Art of Transitioning: have you confronted any major transitions of late? How did you fare? Meet Anita Marina, a talented jewelry artist whose creations are a testament to the exquisite beauty of love-imbued craftsmanship, each of her pieces (babies) uniquely one of a kind. (A Neet Boutique || Lifestyle on The Journey)

The Little Boy from Water Street.
Recardo Couchman - Author, Poet, Theologian, Artist, Outdoorsman - shares this riveting story about the boy who dares to disturb the universe and those collaborators compelled to rebirth his spirit throughout time. (Authors' Round Table)

RyoTech: Trends, Enterprise Solutions, Empowerment
Vital technologies. Generative AI progress, Chat GPT plugins, and AI upgraded communities continue to revolutionize customer experiences and open new ways of operating in our world. Progress outside of AI. (Technology)


Design Your Future.
Flourish. Uncover those paths where good dreams become real. Logan Cannon, Principal Architect, Kaizen.IO, reviews how his team uses Go Live Now and Incremental Itterations in combination with valued ethics and expertise to deliver verified impact (10X Value). (Tech Solutions)

#10. Your Mind is Your Business
Metacogniition: minding your business well! Cultivate ideals, ambition, drive and passion that nurture lasting positive change. How to refresh our minds, change our thoughts, surrender fears, and build a stress free mind that revives its limitlessness. (Phenomenal Life Strategies)

What makes people happy?
This is Your Life:  an interactive segment where participants are encouraged to create something remarkably spectacular, as it were, a beautiful life, an experiences that are the joys of living, enhancing each other, holding space and making it better than found, features explorations of a variety of foiuntains of happiness. ( LIFE )

The Zada Secrets
Another awesome anniversary - Alan & Sheri Zada - re-dux of the Zada show disclosing secrets of a longlasting healthy relationship. Plus, it's time to play The Marriage Game. How does your relationship stack up? (Games on The Journey | Love & Romance)

Sing Her Name
Hall of Famer, Rosalyn Story, a classic violinist, lecturer, author and journalist, shines a light on vital strands woven into the larynx of America's authentic musical voice; how she became the dynamic advocate she is; and the inspiration of her latest nove, Sing Her Name. (Author's Round Table )

BREAKTHROUGH (Courage & Wisdom)
RyoMale Quarterly explores, examines, and exemplifies the core of modern manhood where it is deeper, richer and stronger than storied archetypes. It is an expic adventrue creating a world in which these fully live the life they are born to live, destined to live, or at least determined to live. A brand new creation: a BREED BEYOND THE HERO. (RyoMale Summer Quarterly)

Beat The Odds Games We Play

Designing The Future (Cutting Through Chaos)
This is an extraordinary time, one of unprecedented change and remarkable possibilities. It can feel chaotic. Shan Zaidi, President, NGV Global Group, and his teams are amongst corporate and civic leaders who accept the enormous challenge to design and implement a better more sustainable present and future for our communities and the world. In this episode Shan highlights NGV's technological innovations as well as those skillsets which enable him to be an effective leader, husband, father, friend, businessman and global steward; the very skills many of us will find super useful. You have entered an arena where smart minds are designing solutions and changing the way our world works. The speed is exponential. INNOVATION. IMAGINATION. INSPIRATION. LEADERSHIP. (Technology / Business)

Men's Health Magazine - March - Carlos

Life May Be Short, But It is Deep & Wide featuring Rui Tang
Rui Tang's journey from China to America with an incubating passion provides us a powerful lesson on the peculiarities of choice as well as the importance of a solid conviction, smart shadowing, and intelligent decision-making along the journey to one's true calling. (In The Village)

Rui & Sarah Tang

Social Bonding
Intimate conversations are vital to all viable intelligent relationships. Explore the dynamics of creating awesome bonds. Avoid chronic pitfalls building and navigating the following relationships: social bonding, soul-mate, self-talk, cross-tribal relations, divine communication. Explore these dynamics alongside worldclass experts with proven experise. (Intimate Conversations)

Ultimate Power
What is the kindest thing ever said to you? What is the most painful thing you've ever been told? Who is your secret love? "Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, the neglected opportunity." Arabian Proverb. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Capture the moment. Create the world you prefer. (Things We Take For Granted)

A New Era (Ep1)
An Extraordinary Adventure - Revolutionary Hospitality - Holding space for each other - though the drums of doom are loud everywhere, the story of us in part is an unfolding of care and compassion, of communal sharing and shouldering, of service to the greater good. Stewardship. By way of this exploration, we gather new creation tools, techniques and patterns of human flourishing. The challenge is not merely to deconstruct whatever is 'wrong' in our spheres, rather it is to then construct what is better. (Lights-On Programs )

Flight Of The Fused Monkeys - (StarFive 1)
A daring adventure through the Great Maze into A Place Called Ah. Love vs Truth. Family Intrigue. Deep emotions. Compelling questions. Humorous. A dynamic exploration of what life truly is, with a revelation that is immensely transformative. [ RyoBooks / Ultrenguin Audiobooks ]

Flight Of The Fused Monkeys
Audible Apple Books Apple Audiobooks Amazon

When did you feel most alive?
In the press of daily living, do we take being alive for granted? Let's take a look through a diverse set of eyes from different angles along different walks of life. Forensic Scientist and Fine Artist, Cher Antoinette, Nobel Prize winner Paul Nurse, Sculptor Wangechi Mutu, and others, provide fresh perspectives on the privilege of Being Alive. ( Things We Take For Granted )

Does gratitude have a quantifiable impact on health, wealth and wellbeing, or is it primarily a communal nicety - a way of holding connection? This opening episode of our series, Things We Take For Granted, explores gratitude by way of a wealth of personal experiences across life's spectrum, and features Louie Schwartzberg's amazing timelapse photography revealing a world of beauty we rarely pause to notice, as well as Denzel Washington's powerful 'Say Thank You' fearless motivation. It is a heart-grabber. (Things We Take For Granted)


Best Ways to Improve Personal Finances
How to think rationally about money and make better financial decisions! Dr Wendy De La Rosa in this 8-episode series guides us along, step by step, providing us with practical effective immediately usable tips on changing and working with our environment in order to regain control of our personal finances and progress. Experience financial security. (Money Matters)

Mental Health Awareness
Achieve and maintain your mental health at its level best. Here are some of the activities and resources our Mental Health segement provides: a) awareness; b) your superpower; c) how to be mentally strong in difficult times; d) guides to a beautiful state; e) we are our stories; f) healing during global crises; g) bouncing back stronger and richer; h) how to build resilience; i) climbing out of the abyss; j) trauma and healing; k) the happiness equation; l) exercises designed to smartly shape your present moment! (Mental Health)

Raising Confident Kids

S. O. A. R.
Creating champions; nurturing leaders. You arrive into this moment by virtue of habits, intention, and prevention. Progressing you have a choice: endure and-or enjoy. Here champions, leaders, scientists, women and men who have risen and are rising, scrap the crap you may have been served to share what truly prepares and propels them profitably. ( S. O. A. R. )

Ep 1: Your Body Is Smart Ep 4: (for Members Only)
Ep 2: You Are A Masterpiece Ep 5: (for Members Only)
Ep 3: An Unstoppable Force Ep 6 (for Members Only)

Men's Health Magazine - March - Carlos

Dr. June Elcock-Messam's journey to becoming a powerful voice and redemptive force for vulnerable children as well as her expert facilitations, offering healing in uniquely reconstructive ways, inspire and inform us in this segement. How can we build thriving families and communities in the wake of adversity? Real value. (Modern Families)

Dr. June Elcock - Messam

How To Raise A Confident Child
Parenting is an awesome responsibility. Confidence is superbly important in every arena of life growing-up and grown. What is confidence and how is it developed? How can any child learn confidence in a snap? How can you? Awesome tips. Experts demonstrate. Brilliant Ready-Set-Go Exercises. And, ta-dah, what a bright new child ready for life! ( Modern Families )

Raising Confident Kids

May This Be The Day We Come Together
Joyfully, now this! Amanda Gorman - our Poet Laureate - ushers us into this new season, weaving us together with joy and love and with such finesse we feel the hug of communal warmth and ancestral urging; that unction of a divine, the guardianship of an archangel. (Naked Poetry in The Fountain)

Amanda Gorman

The Hunks I Dreamed by Neville DeAngelou

Every new era is marked by a challenge that reveals the true nature of its character, its soul, its heart, our very being; a challenge so pervasive, so corrosive, so corrupting, it indulges our need for respite; a challenge that demands a new breed - A Breed Beyond The Hero. How are you confronting the unique challenge of our time? Meet 'The Hunks I dreamed.' It's phenomenal. Fit for the challenge.

Apple - Audible - Amazon

You have a choice. Maximise your potential. A Free Masterclass Curriculum. Our compliments. (Dreamers Hill - I Dream You series)

Just Wanna Be Me

2:26 AM - The Gathering by Neville DeAngelou
Verily told there! Coming to pass here - before our very eyes - a confounding reality - an epic historic drama; its present day reverberations rifling through families with the unprecendented impacts of its revelations. A powerfully dramatized matchbox mystery: Episode One of The SoundByte Life series infused with a vengeful hunt, the surprising wellspring of truth and grace, and the empowering phenomena of a most unexpected friendship where easy answers are elusive. LISTEN. (Audiobooks on The Journey)

SBL Drama Series
Audible iBooks iTunes Kindle

Your Private Coach
Click Here for Your Private Coach Click Here for RyoGroup Services

Making Eyes Young Again with John Elcock
246 million people suffer moderate or severe visual impairment. This is an outsized impact on many aspects of individual, family and community life. John Elcock, President of Great Faith Vision, demonstrates how bringing sight to thousands helps pull many out of a cycle of poverty and turn them into effective, happy contributors of society. Sight Matters. (Your Health)

Grace Faith Vision

The Zada Secret to a Healthy Long Lasting Relationship
Fire runs through my body with the pain of loving you. Romance can be sweet. Love is always life-enhancing. But what has marriage got to do with it? Discover ZADA. Use Susie's 10 Little Secrets. ( Love & Romance: Why We Love )

Ilona Serchenko Photography
We watched her daily on the tennis court teaching and playing for hours from before her preganancy throughout her pregnancy, without a miss. Then she went missing for just a wee bit, and was back at it, new and shiny, as if never missing a beat. We just knew we had to have her on the journey, for there had to be a story there. And there is. Meet Ilona Serchenko. Tennis Coach. Family Photographer. Super Mom. (The Village)

Ilona Serchenko

the unSpoken Spoken
Uncomfortable conversations in the wake of massive protests against racism and police brutalitty reveal a wide range of pervasive uncomfortable truths woven into the fabric of society propping-up vested segments at the high cost of societal dysfunction. Are there viable solutions? Who would implement those? Where will they begin? Bold options to unprecedented challenges on the tables; turning honest conversations into productive actions; disparate perspectives of the truth. [The Conversation Continues]

The Conversation Continues

The Pivotal Role of Podcasts to Authors, Politicians & Celebrities.
Podcasts are now big business. Journalists, celebrities, academics, oh, and anyone with a microphone, mixer, and eagerness to influence has a show. Quality is generally high. The impact on culture is unmistakeable. Top authors. politicians and celebrities have finally read the memo and are now heavily into the game. See how they are making waves & raking in higher numbers. Learn what to do.  (Authors Round Table)

Dragons of Romania

Your Body is Smart, Befriend It with Dr. Jeff Crippen
Are you frustrated, tired and looking for answers, or too busy and stressed out? In this three-part series, Dr. Crippen - Chiropractor, Coach, Trainer, Certified Traditional Naturopath - demonstrates how to enhance our body's natural capabilites to keep us healthy and primed to thrive In The Zone. (Your Health)

Out Of The Abyss

Being Fit with Jeremy Allen (NFL Player - Falcons, Saints, Vikings)
Fitness Consultant and former NFL Player Jeremy Allen reveals what constitutes the true measure of fitness, how to go about being truly fit, and how his J-Plan facilitates meeting personal fitness goals. [RyoSports Fitness]

Being Fith with Jeremy Allen

Three Hands & a Deep Hole (The Sage's Conundrum)
Brainiacs, creatives, influencers, students, professors & professionals around the globe wrestle with this Sage's conundrum: which hand will you choose? [ Games We Play ]

SBL Sage

The Thrill of The Kill with entrepreneur Joey Harper
Wealth and power! Strength and humility. Character! Who wouldn't want to be a millionaire by age 22? We've peeled back so little and learned so much. We're only just beginning to uncover his fascinating story (Young Successful Entrepreneurs)

Out Of The Abyss

Be Curious - Explore - Real Science
The Future is Here - Smart Technology

The Desiderata


Riding Moby Dick


Be Kind - It Does Us All Good.

'Sweet Larceny - Honey's Best Kept Secret' with Marty Huie
Honey On Tap - INNOVATION OF THE YEAR - one of the fastest crowd-funding projects ever. Discover the science and secrets behind the Eternal Shelf Life of Honey and how to produce your own natural honey on tap for business, health or pleasure. (In The Village)

Out Of The Abyss

Just Another Soldier
Homage and honor to the men and women who sacrifice to serve for our freedom, for our values, for our peace.

Memorial Day Remembrance

Preferred Career Opportunities
Current career and job opportunities. Post pandemic job demand projections. Learn how to prepare for a super competitive job market. What are your best alternatives? Discover what skills you should be sharpening now. Effective actions to take during the gap. Learn what you should be doing now. Learn what you should be doing next.  ( Solutions & Jobs )

Current Careers

By Faith I Got The Girl . . . then!! With Andre & Alex Klien
How does Faith influence the daily intimacies of your life? Andre Klien shares his frank dealings with God from his youthful sex life to his life as a husband. It is an inspiring and humorous chat. [Faith]

Andre Klien Family
Riding Moby Dick - Live Performance & Narrative Excerpts
How They Beat The Odds Every Time. Excerpts from live perofrmances and the nominated narration of a transformative memoir. [Audiobooks on The Journey]

Equality Vodka - Creativity with a Conscience
Equality Founders Doug Jacobson and Bert Gallagher discuss their novel plan to effect a sweeping societal change in support of Equality For All, with the unique launch of an ultra Premium Vodka aptly named Equality Vodka. [LGTBQ]

Equality For All


Lyn Lyric - Queen Of Sheba - In The Light
Actor, poet, jazz singer and songwriter Lyn Lyric. Her artistry awakens the soul. She pours in light. Her torch is lit with four loves: faith, family, romance and community. She will rock you. [Poets Round Table]

Lyn Lyric


Restoring Our Greatness Today & Tomorrow- BK Reading Series
Excerpts from The Hunks I Dreamed - A Breed Beyond The Hero read by our host Neville DeAngelou; a story of where great men and women come from and how they are made. [Readings]


Beyond The Conversation to Broken Relationships - a chat!!
Are we building broken relationships? Love Poet (BRandall), Love Doctor (Brandon L. Jackson), 'God's Poet' (Bill Paterson) and Rapper (Kwaleo 30) issue a strong challenge. [The Conversation]

Brenda Randall & Brandon Jackson

"Authentic love does not devalue another human being."


Who's Got Your Mojo? Take It Back. It Takes Seven.
"I didn't know my own strength. I crashed down, and I tumbled, but I did not crumble. I never knew my own strength." It's a revelation. It's a revolution. It's a rising. UP! MLK Ascends. [Bridging The Gap]

Alex Aisley


Faith And Our Future with Andre Klien
He came face-to-face with life's ultimatum, his wife and four children hanging in the balance. The Journey joins him in St. Lucia to rub shoulders on the 3 PTTP questions. Featuring Make You Known by Adrian Klien & Daryl Daniel. [Preachers To The Podium series]

Adrian Klien

Unclipped Wings - A Nobel Laureate's Personal Journey
What does it take to become a Nobel Laureate? Two things for sure. And maybe three. But is that even near enough? [Wonder Women]

Breast Cancer Awarenes - Susie Lindau
Breast Cancer Survivor Susie Lindau takes us on a personal journey through a battle with cancer. Her courage, commitment and wisdom inform us and are worth every second. When last have you had your check-up? [ Health Check ]

Be Kind - It Does Us All Good.

Ludi & Jose Re-Discover America The Beautiful
This is the story of two teachers from Spain, Ludi Lobo and Jose Godoy, re-discovering the beauty, treasure and grandeur of America in a very healthy, highly recommended and teachable way. [RyoRun]

Mysteries Of The Unseen World - Amos & Cassidy - ART 5
Have you ever considered collaboration? Urban Fantasy Authors Amos & Cassidy (UK) discuss how they collaborate and create characters for their Crimson Series and their Dreams & Shard Series. Then they play The Game. [Authors Round Table]

Can you achieve the dream? Are you living the dream?

On Demand Shows
Select from over 150 broadcasted / podcasted shows available on demand. Click on SHOWS and choose your favorite category.

Easter Special - an Episodic Series
The Beginning of Christianity. Who killed Jesus? Where did they lay him? Why does evil exist? These are a few of the tough questions being examined in this unforgettably powerful, frank, honest, inspiring, transformational journey up Golgotha Hill, into the crucifixion of Christ, through the nature of the human condition, and across the centuries. The unfolding drama and its revelations are curated into two series: 1) Examining Blood-stained Golgotha, consisting of five episodes, and 2) Exploring Atonement - The Birth of Christianity, consisting of five episodes. Journal your journey with us. ( 2022 EASTER SPECIAL )

Easter Special



Along The Journey with Neville we stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories, and reveal novel solutions to some of life's trickiest problems. We play a few games and track the remarkable characters of three classic: BulletSq ILICET - A Time To Begin Again (True Story) BulletSq SBL series, '2:26 AM, The Gathering' (Matchbox Mystery) BulletSq Flight Of The Fused Monkeys (5-Star Series). We discover. EXPLORE WITH US. Create. Share. You are ALWAYS welcome.

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