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Living On The Fault Line (Part 1)
Just A Question!

Would you opt for a fireplace or a flower garden? Where was your first kiss? Now looking back, would you do that kiss differently? Does your toe curl when you are excited or when you are nervous? When you feel ill do you cuddle or isolate yourself? If the rat and the cockroach were the only two speecies on earth which would you be?

Pajamas or birthsuit?

Which toe would you sacrifice for $1.7 Million?

Do you dislike questions, these questions, or accept them as moments for reflection?


I Can't Breathe

Do not mistake my tears for weakness nor our prayers for helplessness.

Isn't music amazing?

I think it is. And life is beautiful. Don't you think? I think it is. And people are awesome. Aren't they?

And yet, it sometimes seems, doesn't it, that if your eyes wander through some certain spaces, or everywhere, you might be inclined to wonder whether living is just pure misery.

So, which is it?

You may behold in some places such singularly mean people you'd be inclined to think their souls unsalvageable. You'll find blood swirling through waters in some of those places, and the ground beneath you shaking.

Troubled waters!

Hate-mongering provocateurs, you might begin to think. Bigots, you begin to think. Culturated misery. Healthy appetites, sadistic beasts, feasting heftily on misery.


You see young men murdered on their way to work, young women beaten in their search for food.

Are we imagining such things? Are you?

Troubled waters.



So aren't even these, who feast on miseries, people too - a cumulus rhythm - feeling perfectly justified in their tastes? Are they not perfectly fine seeing things not the way we do? Or want to?

What should we think of these? Life's complexities? A mirage?

Are we imagining these things?

Even well-meaning people vehemently disagree. What then shall we do, whilst living on this fault line?

All Lives Matter


Can we do so collectively? Breathe! Or is this just pure folly?

Can We Talk?

What do you see? Step over here! Let me step over there.

What do we do? Shall I wish something for you?

Must we have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world?

Think of the mirror.

A person comes upon it. What does he or she see? What is that reaction to what they see? Each brings to it her own spectrum of ugliness or beauty. Each brings to it his own range of ordinariness or awesome. That's what he or she sees, if there is light - any flicker of light. How that person responds to what he or she sees is as individual as that mind and heart conjoined. This is the nature of humankind. What he or she sees can never be what the mirror sees or what light sees. Ah! But the mirror is silent. This light is silent. Yet, together, far louder and more penetrating than any known sound. That is the wizadry of revelation.

You are a mirror.

Your revealed reality is a bright light.

Can We Feel Each Other?
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The HUNKS I Dreamed by Neville DeAngelou

"A great listen." "Brilliant." "Outstanding." "Imaginative."

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We Are Standing On A Fault Line

Pain distracts our senses. In pain, our sight is restricted. In pain, our hearing is restricted. The only touch we want is relief. In pain, we don't smell so good. Pain distracts then the predator pounces. TROUBLED WATERS.

Your life matters. Each and every life matter. So how do we step across this fault line to feel the music? To dance? In Part 2, I'll explore that question. What will you do?

Till then I cannot sit still and watch!




Tweet Neville

ILICET - A Time To Begin Again





Here is something I'm encouraging us to consider!

He is a cop, a soldier, a father, a husband!



The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few fun games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: BulletSq ILICET - A Time To Begin Again (True Story) BulletSq SBL Series: 2:26 AM, The Gathering (Matchbox Mystery) and BulletSq Flight Of The Fused Monkeys (5-Star Series). Life is beautiful and full of surprises. Breathe! Deeply. Enjoy top dramatic, inspirational, mystery, scifi, and true stories from along The Journey. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Learn with us.

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