but the fruit of the Spirit is love
goodness faithfulness gentleness
and self-control.
There is no law (Jewish Law) against such things.

living water

I am made in the image of God, not your image of God.
This Jesus that we worship is a Jesus of radical inclusion, a Jesus who stands on the side of the poor and the marginalized, the Jesus who said to his disciples and to this world this day, if I were naked you would clothe me, if I were hungry you would offer me something to eat.
And yet so often from Christian pulpits around our country and around our world, we've painted a picture of Jesus that is not real. It is, indeed, fake news.
The Jesus that we have been called to worship, this Jesus that we have been called to embody, this Jesus that we stand to celebrate this night is a Jesus who is anything but conventional, anything but part of the dominant culture.
This Jesus would grow to turn the world upside down.
This Jeuss would grow to stand with the disciples and say, take no tunic for your journey, only go and live off of the kindness of strangers.
Imagine what our world would be like if we truly embodied that Jesus!

And that's another cool thing our Senior Pastor told us.
Let your light shine. |
Love - Oh, How Excellent!
Be transformed by the renewing of your MIND, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. |
Come, let us all be friends for once,
Let us make life easy on us,
Let us be lovers and loved ones,
The earth shall be left to no one.
Yunus Emre
Being fully functional and wholly human! |
Love . . .
"Love is an active, accountable, responsible 'being' that makes decisions reflective of its authentic self."
Born in the image of God. Magnificently made. Mercifully kept. Love! Hallelujah.
Do you at times feel you've mortgaged your life to the brutes of time and its debt has felled you to your face?
That is a mighty good place to renew one's mind, but prayer is not the answer there; trust is!
You own the deed - God's gift - your birthright - Your life! The power and authority of reclaim are yours free and clear.
Yes, YOU own the deed. Come on now!
It might seem a problem, but if a problem has a solution it is not a problem, it is a decision.
Act out your decision.
Anxiety and fear are rooted in uncertainty. Let whatever is in the way become the way. (You'll find this to be an able strategy.)
Shout Hallelujah, if you're so inclined! Or Amen! Or just nod. Or smile like me. The key is in your hand - the one God made. |
This series - love - progresses through to the new season which will be our 4th in this format. It will be the 12th season of 'Light's On' Global Inspirational Presentations and the 32nd season - wow - of Youth Alive through its myriad evolutions and spin-offs.
Ooh-wee! A lot of donkey days have gone by.
But love is wise. Here is a tip, particularly for those who are newly entering our welcoming space: Love is Huge. You are loved.
Throughout our current exploration we discovered many things, uncovered many things, and recovered many things of great value. I suspect we will continue discovering, uncovering and recovering whatever is set to marvel, delight and mystify us.
Click your heels!
Did that hurt?
Here is a situation-set we dusted off then unpacked.
Broadly speaking . . . very broadly, that is. . . and reduced to its simplest and sincerest essence, there exists this reality: saved by grace!
Punto final!
For some, this salvation is a grateful escape from a frightening death-spiral compliments of the wages of sin. It is the ticket to heaven, hereafter, where there is neither pain nor sorrow. This salvation offers in this world a grand opportunity to earn jewels for incorruptible crowns worn up there where life is everlasting and joys are forever!
Are you with me? (Discuss)
Of this saved lot, for some, the ticket in hand is a booked seat (as solid as gold); no one else can claim that spot. For some others of this lot the ticket is just a place-holder, an offer contingent on working out one's salvation with fear and trembling. You have to work it.
There is a second group of understanding and engagement, and of acceptance and expectation - broadly speaking, very broadly, that is - amongst believers experiencing being saved by grace!
For these believers, this salvation - at the behest of the love of Jesus Christ operating in obedient sacrifice - is freedom from guilt and shame. It is a reconnection with God, The Divine, who is well-pleased with the sacrifice of Jesus, The Christ. This salvation is the re-empowerment to be the fullest complement of the embodied spirit of God.
QUESTION: where (even if approximately) do you find yourself best fitted? How so? (Discuss)
The reality in which one finds one's self hotly impacts and influences one's perception (or understanding) of how best to comport oneself in this life and every expectation of the next.
To put this in earthy terms: two people operating side by side, if one truly believes earth is flat and the other truly believes earth is round, every perception of their actual experience will be different. Without this understanding, it is pretty hard for either to trust the other in that space, for most everything each of these two does or sees or feels pretty much confirms what each believes. I have a name for it, but we'll keep that in my pocket for a while.
Here is the deal! (Drum roll.) Ooops! (Not so loud, drummer-boy. You gave that fellow a fright!)
Onward - pass our eye-popping exploration of Love - I'll 'beam' you up to the lean side of the mountain, where Our Lord Jesus Christ is still speaking. Yes, the famous Sermon on The Mount!
Excited? Have you heard it? |
Heads-up! Folks there have their ears set to Jesus BEFORE he climbed the cross and was humiliated by zealots. We will be the beneficiaries of listening to Jesus AFTER the revelation of his death, buriial, and resurrection, and AFTER we've explored this huge thing called love. It makes for a tremendous difference.
Trust me, it does!
But is your world flat? Or is it round?
Here's a hint! If you set your ears AFTER the Lord is risen and DURING your experience of the fullness of love I anticipate you will marvel! Yes, a sermon to many, even you and me! Now more deeply, not a sermon, rather, a strategy - a brilliant set of strategies for life and living. You heard right, it is to ears and hearts transformed by the renewing of the mind now chockful of strategies for living in freedom, for being that sparkle of God which beams light through the dark, and for revealing the reality of all that heaven is. It behoves us best to learn to love and to be transformed by the renewing of the mind so that each who has is primed able to PROVE what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Hallelujah! We will unpack those strategies.
Happy New Life.
"Knowledge that takes you not beyond yourself is far worse than ignorance." Elif Shafak.
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Can you build the life YOU want in the Time You've Got? |
strong - brave - capable - valued - gifted - possessed of joy, hope, peace and love - treasured - entrusted - loved - courageous
May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey.
"Live Your Life - Live it well. You are worth it."