Collaborate. Create. Celebrate. Learning as we go, growth is an exciting ongoing experience. Inspiration is everywhere - nurturing us. Extraordinary new births of excellence bloom within and around us. Elements of 'Leadership Beyond The Hero' - a superforce, sharp and superb - bolster us. You're welcome.
The only true failure in life
is not to be true
to the best one knows.
- Buddha
"Here too is my advice: when you are not tired or hungry inquire whether a fish that has never known the sea knows it is in a bowl and a fish that has never known a bowl knows it is in the sea. Your answers hide a surprisingly sweet secret. Find it and use it."
_ Lee, Flight of The Fused Monkeys
Good fortune presents itself in many a varied way - don't you find? - at times as challenges, at times as changes, at times as choice. As stability too! And quite often as a wonderful surprise.
Surprise is surprise! May you be the one to enjoy many, even if merely in reward for indulging this episode's fertile smudges, allowing each smudge to paint across one's mind gainful images of beautiful community.
Many of us who are eagerly engaged in the fascinating (often intriguing) unchartered worlds Beyond The Hero, two of which are worth a mention here, are exposed to a cornucopia of surprisingly brilliant revelations, and marvelous big ideas being put through rigorous paces, and that "thing" some call the revitalizing energy of community. Who of us so poised and with so few breaths would opt to freely dive into any of its surrounding deep waters hidden from sunlight?
Embrace the moments.
I say marvelous, not to be cheesy. Ours is no pollyannic world; it is a marvel. And no one ought to be surprised, it seems to me, that the mentioned "surprisingly" draws a smile across reluctant lips. You'd smile too, a good smile - gratitude for good graces - for being privileged to regularly maneuver through one world (sparing its intricate details) central to which are curiosity and creativity then through another (upholding its trusts) profitably focused on goals and growth, en route to that other world (let's call it what Lee alluded to it as in his wild and beautiful adventure), a Place called Ah!
What communal or individual benefit might there be for any so blessed to detour through patterned clouds hobbling all other round-about routes?
If Lee's revealed imageries are to be trusted, there is indeed a landscape up, through and around - outside worlds Beyond The Hero, and not on the hero's journey - (as Lee describes it) where peculiar patterns are everywhere. Gargantuan patterns. Repeated. Over and again. Scribbled patterns coiling into grisly patterns, thickening their clouds. These are the scribbles of the unmistakable narrative of an energized community unmindful, unaware, or who find no lasting value in resolving three of its languishing questions whilst thriving on their stirred energies:
- what becomes of false premises propped up on toothy wisdom?
- what debt do their hidden costs accrue?
- who pays this debt?
Life's calculus leaves no function unaccounted nor its balance sheet in error.
safe space - shared reality |
Welcome to episode six of BEYOND THE HERO (part 2) - community - curated by Neville DeAngelou, uncovering elements of energizing leadership and the revitalizing attitudes and actions found in reframed communities.
Enjoy actionable discoveries continuously shared - smartly - particularly those that uplift, inspire, promote harmony, expand opportunities, exemplify beauty, and reveal wonder, in other words, those proven to strengthen our emboldened exercise of genuine love through all of love's fertile dimensions, supplying those of us who are blessed and inspired to take action with necessary skillsets to be awesome in our real world. Namaste. Share.