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This Week In The Chapel

Lights on

a Brand New Breed

Beyond The Hero
Neville DeAngelou

be you keep going be amazing


Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:

secrets of longevity

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(a Detective Series)


Love Series
Golgotha Series
Circle Series
Life Strategies
Beat The Odds
5 Enriching Virtues
An Elegant Life
A Beautiful Life
The 7 Cees
Myth or Mystery?
Getting It Done
Beyond The Hero
P. P. F.

Written in Sand recorded across Eternity

Neville DeAngelou

Neville DeAngelou


Like any good mother, her desire was to have her child grow bright and bold, and to be full of good humor and wit, and to be generous and courageous and kind.

For, being such, how could anyone not have the most beautiful story?

After all, what is the code and concept of life, of living, of humanity, if it is not to find one's calling and to have that calling be greater than one's self; if it is not to pursue that calling and complete it with joyous self-respect?

_ Neville






The Conversation Continues













Imperfectly Perfect


Collaborate. Create. Celebrate. Learning as we go, growth is an exciting ongoing experience. Inspiration is everywhere - nurturing us. Extraordinary new births of excellence bloom within and around us. Elements of 'Leadership Beyond The Hero' - a superforce, sharp and superb - bolster us. You're welcome.


I wish I can show you,
when you are lonely,
or in darkness,
the astonishing light of your being.

- Hafiz of Shiraz

An offering from a sage is more than silver and gold; it is the seed of hope, a bud of faith!

Abundantly so Beyond The Hero, there, unsparing in gratitude, joy thrives. Excellence blooms. Wonder stills. Beauty too. Comfort feeds. There, imperishable seeds are planted in good ground. Fruiting. Nourished. Sweet.

May it be so in your grarden, should you desire such blooms.

Shared etchings (gorgeous), like kernels sprinkled by seeded artists across farflung sandy beaches, are sprawled across the lap of infinity. They imprint sands kissed by impassioned tides, sands reverently bejeweled by stars, sands whose thrysts eternal winds and everlasting waters stamp upon the fabric of life, like hickies!

Just like that, with due fanfare, a secret of longevity is fetched - protected - hidden in blinks of impermanence. Did you notice? It is magnificent. Oh! And this too: a person, a people, may choose to ignore, or simply forget; it is human. Earth neither ignores nor forgets. Life suffers neither delusion nor dementia. Beyond The Hero, informed, these sanguine reveals prove invaluable.

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

by Wendell Berry

How long is longevity? Our massive sun fizzling from contention extinguishes all parasites, yet is never eliminated from the calculus. Rocks, this cliff, sands, these waters, wind, if only with a single human being - in motion - unmindful of criter and sandfly, fragile, impermanent, scratching soil's spoiled surface, are all every whit vital to the calculus through which their functions reveal infallible truths at every level. So, how short is impermanence? We can do the math.


keep it together


Welcome to episode four of BEYOND THE HERO (part 2) - longevity's hidden secret - curated by Neville DeAngelou. Delightful offerings from blessed sages to a new breed. These reveal a fertile marvel of impermanence. An epiphany! Never erased. Never ignored. Always translated.


Be amazing.


Enjoy actionable discoveries continuously shared - smartly - particularly those that uplift, inspire, promote harmony, expand opportunities, exemplify beauty, and reveal wonder, in other words, those proven to strengthen our emboldened exercise of genuine love through all of love's fertile dimensions, supplying those of us who are blessed and inspired to take action with necessary skillsets to be awesome in our real world. Namaste. Share.

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Dreamers Hill

Giant leaps grow out from small accumulated steps, and require smart bold moves.


Be Curious. E-X-P-L-O-R-E


Fitness for your total being - health-giving activities - FREE on RyoSports.com - In a world yearning to be free, take time to recognize who you are, what you are, where you are, and why it might be wise to embrace a a fuller Fruitful LIFE.

My Quiet Time
Daily Routines
'Lights On' Merch

Beyond The Hero (P2)


INTRO, 01, 02, 03, 04


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* * *


Making It Better

lights - camera - action
- past, present, future -


Extraordianry leadership hewed for our time

... it uplifts. it extends. it expands ...


There exists amongst us a breed BEYOND THE HERO - not some sort of stereotype - critical to the call of our moment, growing, expanding, reshaping, and refining, as is necessary for the chimes of our times - extraordinarily participatory, nurturing, nourishing, discovering, unfolding, creating and building, embracing the fullness of life, in full claim of this birthright and privilege of each and every person born on this planet.

In Part 2 of this segment, as we explore, examine and exemplify the learnings and practices of this breed's effective emergent leaders (of all stripes) who are performing apopros to the better values of our times, we are highlighting a few critical elements.


We are WIDE OPEN wholly responsible for making this world a better place.




Today's pivot QUESTION: whatever your level, say you've come to a realization that everything you have within you belongs to you; anything you store or leave outside of you can always be destroyed,

- what is there that is not yet in you, which your journey and your process require ought to be of you, sooner rather than later, lest shifting tides erase it from the sands of your time; also, what is of you that ought to be tossed, quickly taken by tides, lest soon, so rooted, no quake could shake it loose?



* * *



There is a kind of love called maintenance,
Which stores the WD40 and knows when to use it;

Which checks the insurance, and doesn’t forget
The milkman; which remembers to plant bulbs;

Which answers letters; which knows the way
The money goes, which deals with dentists

And Road Fund Tax and meeting trains,
And postcards to the lonely; which upholds

The permanently rickety elaborate
Structures of living; which is Atlas.

And maintenance is the sensible side of love,
Which knows what time and weather are doing
To my brickwork; insulates my faulty wiring;
Laughs at my dryrotten jokes; remembers
My need for gloss and grouting; which keeps
My suspect edifice upright in the air,
As Atlas did the sky.

by U.A. Fanthorpe


BEYOND THE HERO, the skills used along each journey of significance were honed from the hero's journey where no hero can go it alone or come through without being transformed. BEYOND THE HERO, its leaders are of a brand new breed, as we shall continue to discover.




"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." _ Mohandas Gandhi


Heart Strong

Perspective matters.


"Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances." _ Sun Tzu



You are always welcome to consult freely with our regularly updated TRANSFORMATIONAL HABITS and other phenomenal playlists - styled for your convenience with contributions from your favorite peoples. Click. Take. Peruse. Use freely.








"An infinity of forests lies dormant in the dream of an accorn."

_ The Tea Lover



impermanence vs longevity

paraphrased: it happens all the time in heaven; it will happen once again on earth: you will take the hand of those, and kneel before them, and say, "How can I love you more? How can I be more kind?"


That's what good leadership does - Leadership Beyond The Hero!

Sound Leadership facilitates (leaves room, creates opportunities) for each and all to be and-or become (to want to be and-or want to become) one's best operational self - uncoerced, without bribery, without quid pro quo.



Action Options to eradicate Systemic RACISM & stop Police Brutality

  1. Be informed
  2. Practice the Golden Rule
  3. Practice Neighborliness
  4. Love
  5. Listen
  7. VOTE
  8. PROMOTE Police Accountability
  9. Love
  12. Be Informed

Remember: this is YOUR LIFE; only you can live it. Live out the expression of your love.




Take Action

"Know what you own. Understand what you claim. Believe you can achieve what you conceive then call it by its name. Mine! The extent to which you have this clarity of mind, this purity of understanding, this strength of belief, you have the fire, the fuel, the impetus, the passion, the determination, the willpower you require to pursue and retrieve your truest desire. But do not claim what does not belong to you. It will not keep you . . . it will suffer you but for only so long."

[ ILICET - A Time To Begin Again ]



Real Science - Smart Technology


+ + + + + + +


+ + + + + + +




TALKING ABOUT RACE (although hard; it is necessary). DISCOVER HOW (CLICK HERE)



You are valued. You are important. What you experience is important. Your intention matters. You are a whole being. You are a true wonder. You diminish yourself whenever you pit valued elements of who you are against vital elements of who you are: your intuitive self against your intellectual self, your rational self against your emotional self, your gut against your heart against your head. Don't be put at war against yourself: you are a masterpiece. An intricate being. Human!

In ALL truth: who Shapes The Life You Live?

mentor coach advocate sponsor

Life: it is a dance. It gets better with practice; its music is in your heart and in your soul and in your blood and in your bones. Life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. You have a partner – your spirit. You can have a party if you like, but choose smartly who you invite, for life – your life – is a dance. It gets better with practice, unless you stop the music or so crowd your dance floor there is no space to move or be moved within it. Explore. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice until the dance becomes the dancer and the dancer becomes the dance and life and all of existence becomes a singular flow. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. Dance.


a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

tour de force


Who Shapes the Space you live in?

Home is a special place. Love resides there. The best journeys take you there. Hope lives there. Home leaves no question about belonging. Friends belong there. Dreams thrive there. Home is a place of forgiveness. There is no rejection there. Home is a place of rest and recuperation and rejuvination. There is laughter there. Life takes you to unexpected places; love brings you home. At home you are free to flourish. It is where you birthed your wings. Are you there yet? We live amongst viruses and bacteria: some are villains and some are monsters. Don't feed monsters. Villains are everywhere; you are ever in their sights. Be prepared: find your rhythm, stay in balance, keep your values and your vision in focus. Choose your friends wisely. You got this.



Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.


. . .


. . .



let your light shine


Come, let us all be friends for once, 
Let us make life easy on us, 
Let us be lovers and loved ones,
The earth shall be left to no one.

Yunus Emre

reclaim lost ground for keeps
time health wealth
- rhythm - - balance - - focus -




I Dreamed You series by Neville DeAngelou


2:26 AM - The Gathering (SBL Audio Dramatized)
on Audible on Apple (iTunes) on Amazon

The Great Teller shares An Epic Truth

Across the nation and around the world there is a long rumble.

It is a rumble so loud it strikes ready ears as a distant clap of a fierce thunder. It is a rumble so low, it rides beneath the noise of a thousand human fears; it can no longer be heard. Fear of flight, fear of heights, fear of sand, fear of snow, fear of monsters in the closet, fear of bugs in the pillow, fear of cats, fear of bats, fear of strangers at the door, fear of being lost, fear of being laughed at, fear of being stuck in the toilet bowl, fear of whites, fear of blacks, fear of browns, blues and yellows, fear of nakedness, fear of the unknown, fear of being hurt.


2:26 AM - The Gathering

Smile. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Learn. Be awesome. You are powerful beyond measure. You are not alone. You can do all things. I am you. You are me. We are one. Keep Sharing.

May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey.

"Live Your Life - Live it well. You are worth it."

Listen. Learn. Lead.


"I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, men other-centered can build up." Martin Luther King Jr. Look. Listen. Learn. STRETCH & SAVE! (A Place Called Ah.)

We are accompanied.
Balance - Focus - Rhythm


When life doesn't care about your plans! Check this out - What would you do?


Don't Scream by Neville DeAngelou


Who killed Father Francis? (A new DETECTIVE series featuring The Dean). Vivacious revelations of love, legacy and forgiveness. Against a rich tapestry of modern life we are treated to a searing, powerfully sensuous and unforgettable thrill. Outcomes are rarely as expected. Turning points are eminently enlightening. Your discoveries willl light you up. (All formats) (All Major Platforms).


?? twinkle-twinkle, say, what is your good fortune ??

* * *

You are

strong - brave - capable - valued - gifted - possessed of joy, hope, peace and love - treasured - entrusted - loved - courageous


See ILICET - A Time To Begin Again

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BE EVER REMINDED: the life you are living is YOUR life; ONLY YOU can live it!
The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: BulletSq ILICET - A Time To Begin Again (True Story) BulletSq SBL Series: 2:26 AM, The Gathering (Matchbox Mystery) and BulletSq Flight Of The Fused Monkeys (5-Star Series). Life is beautiful and full of surprises. Breathe! Along our journey of life and learning we challenge ourselves toward the reaches of our highest ideals: to be our best, do our utmost, achieve our finest, wherever necessary and practicable redesigning the contours of possibility, reshaping human capability. Join our posse. We are changing the game! We welcome your perspective. Enjoy top dramatic, inspirational, mystery, scifi, and true stories. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Lead. Learn with us. Get your FREE AUDIO of 'Sven: The High Achiever's Journey'. You'll be glad you did. Share the experience.

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