Confident humility is being secure enough in your strengths to acknowledge your weaknesses, believing that the best way to prove yourself is to improve yourself, knowing that weak leaders silence their critics and make themselves weaker, while strong leaders engage their critics and make themselves stronger.
Confident humility gives you the courage to say, 'I don't know,' instead of pretending to have all the answers; to say, 'I was wrong,' instead of insisting you were right. It encourages you to listen to ideas that make you think hard, not just the ones that make you feel good, and to surround yourself with people who challenge your thought process, not just the ones who agree with your conclusions. And sometimes it even leads you to challenge your own conclusions.
Adam Grant - think again
The PROBLEM: "Can you EXPAND time? There are 24 hours in each day. Time is expendable; is it expandable?"
We accepted the challenge. Would you? How might you tackle this profitable question? Can we stretch time?
A clock has no power over time; it solves a problem; it facilitates synchrony. Rhythm. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Stamping the pages of living narratives.
That is ingenious.
INGENUITY: a remarkable human capacity; brilliance at work; intelligence. We recognize change to be continuously in progress throughout our known universe where rhythms are a mainstay. Balance. Bearing. Momentum. These are essential to progress. Without them - death! Fossil. Compost. So, we devised for ourselves this unique solution - the tick-tock - to keep meaningful tabs on efforts to harness life's mysterious rhythms. Yep, ingenious!
The solution has been working so well we may be incliined to impute it with extraordinary powers, supernatural tendencies, divinity! Nevertheless, time is what you do with your slice of eternity. The clock is but a ticker, if ever so busy in its quiet of late; it is but stamps upon the pages of our living narratives.
So who are we (you and I) in the midst of this?
Humans are storytellers and story believers. Story solves an evolutionary problem for us. Therein lies its rub. Ooh-wee! I could just as well have said the devil lives in those details, but that would not capture the solution's truest marvel: viral intelligence.
One set of reasons good folks tell themselves stories is to impute meaning where meaning has not been revealed (or is non-existent), to create certainty, to make sense of circumstance and surroundings, to salve insecurities.
On occasion, as well, good folk might choose to highlight a unique dilemma by framing its story interrogatively.
Achoo. Is that a bouquet of flowers or a basket of alergens?" Achoo. Achoo.
It works!
Stories are powerful. They shine light. Different kinds of light. Enlightenment, however, is up to the individual. Stories are stealthy encoders - a hidden brain - as it were evolving inside each of us. Therein lies a rub.
Stories may highlight problems just as briliantly as they create spaces to solve some. Stories impact our time, expanding and contracting individual experiences of it. Indeed, a particularly revelatory fact is we are stories: viral stories.
Let's visit an example of how this works. You'll probably find, after all is said and done, your private 'cupboard' is jam-packed with fertile samples dustily ignored.
Have you ever felt, for example, as if someone else was writing your personal narrative? Controling what you do, shaping how you act? Or, is there a cat in your bag tugging your invisible strings? Examine this sureal Hidden Brain's tale. LISTEN HERE.
We are a peculiar people - humans! Intricately interwoven (internally, externally). Here is the mastery and the malevolence: we (humans) are simultaneously creator, mirror and observer of our own experiences while in this slit of eternity: interlocutors with ourselves. M-hm. That is the pure power of our narrative. Our story! Yes, including the story you are creating this very second. Your Time.

Peculiar, isn't it? Or is that magnificent? Isn't life truly amazing? It's awesome! There is more. That is why we accepted the challenge aware that this is no text book problem. And if it were, as it would be in cynic form, my mama taught me not to cheat. There is no looking at the back of the book, no calling to the skies for help. Now that we've shared this much, how say you? Can you expand your time? Here is a hint: this episode is our notes, our fragrant bouquet of time's pollens. You are welcome to all of it. You'll need them all though. Enjoy each flavor, and do remember: there is a cat in the bag. God speed. You are a masterpiece.
grow - excel - contribute
Welcome to SEASON SEVEN, 're-CLAIMED,' episode three - expanding time - curated by Neville DeAngelou. Some people count the hours, some let the hours count.