"Time and money. They share a lot in common: both are measurable, and both are scarce. Both are what most of us would say are the most valuable 'things' we can have. We want more time and we want more money, and we work to get them." Time Smart by Ashley Whillans. Which would you more happily trade away today: your time or your money?
Parliamentary procedures facilitate a peculiar practice, apportioning usage of time in a manner I've always found fascinating. Proponents for and those against a motion or action are accorded, by rule, specific alottments of time to advocate for their cause.
Often these advocates re-apportion various cuts of their alottment to associates and allies to be used (pro or con) in support of their side of the motion or action. Wanting no leftover time wasted, misused or abused, these advocates reclaim what remains of their time by asserting, "I reclaim my time." They take their time back!
"Madam Chair, I cede the remainder of my time back to the honrable gentleman."
Ever since 'school days' learning arithmetic I've found this back-and-forth a captivating practice: that one can - in realiity - give away one's time; that one can - in reality - use someone else's time while that person is present, sitting right beside. This begged (for me) through time a funny number of intriguing questions. Oh, for example, what if some are treating time exactly that way beyond the confines of parliamentary procedure? What if we could reclaim our time? What if someone has claimed our time and is using it right before our very eyes, with or without our permission; who keeps track; who gavels the clock, where is full accounting? Fascinating! Perhaps what is said is true: it is the silly question that yields wisdom.
Let's say if you take stock you could reclaim your unused time; how much time would you estimate you could legitimately reclaim? What would you do with it?
Over recent months, ongoing, our collaborative (RyoCenter) is expanding. We are birthing and preparing to launch several exciting projects, programs, and services, available for the enrichment of our beloved communities and collaborators, as well as for parents and their children, and for our mentees and mentors.
Time and again, over say two years, a compound set of questions has frequented us, that much more regularly during current expansions: how do you get so much done - with so little - in such short time - in the midst of so much drama; where do you find the time; do you have a secret battalion of elves working busily through the dark?
In fact, we employ a highly effective process, which we've branded layering! (It embraces an uncommon perspective of time; our methods have matured beyond arithmetic; and it pays attention to silly questions.)
I respond, not to discuss its details, rather because by way of juxtaposition it is necessary to engage pivotal relationships, so we are able to observe the usual give-and-take of time-and-money, and because, as anyone can attest, change and adversity come so thick and fast they are whiplashing weary folk. We've chosen approaches that work better for what we do. How about you?
Indeed, a stark clarity glares at a pall of global, regional, and individual traumas prevalent in simultaneity. Meanwhile, ongoing progress prevails among pockets of people possessed of passion and promise and peace. What's awesome is that these latter care appropriately (not prognosticating nor pontificating in the presence of an avalanche of assaults) and they cut through the usual noise to faithfully address real causes of such affronts. We find this to be revitalizing. Inspiring. Fruitful.
No silver bullet! No singing angels on white horses! No tooth fairy!
Metaphorically speaking, if happiness embodies (pragmatically) promise and passion and peace - a buoyancy handy when traversing weather-beaten oceans and seas, with equal capability to support travel along troulbled rivers and rapids - perhaps the magnificent mix enabling this buoyancy come not merely by how well one balances or juggles time and money, rather it is the peculiar alchemy of one's intention, time, this happiness, and money, gracefully matured in the warmth of an enabling community. (We will unpack this. We find a lot of good stuff in there. And pretty useful.)
Meanwhile, how about your turn for a fruitful share: what is or has been your experience in times like these?
Were you to trade one of those today - time, intention, happiness, or money - which would you trade to gain balance? What would you trade it for to assure that balance?
How would you responsibly define then gainfully employ each of the following:
- smart time?
- smart intention?
- smart happiness?
- smart money?
Isn't life fascinating? We think so.
Welcome to SEASON SEVEN, 're-CLAIMED,' curated by Neville DeAngelou.
