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Beat The Odds
5 Enriching Virtues
An Elegant Life


Fetching Water



Birth of Jesus
Life of Jesus
Teachings of Jesus
His New Creation





ALL about God's UNFAILING Love - ONLY about God's UNFAILING Love

OURS is the esteemed PRIVILEGE
not merely to go to a church.

One is form; the other is function. One is custom; the other is conviction.

"When you arise in the morning think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."

"It is Christ Himself, not the bible, who is the true Word of God. The Bible, read in the right spirit and with the guidance of good teachers, will bring us to Him. We must not use the Bible as a sort of encyclopedia out of which texts can be taken for use as weapons."

- C. S. Lewis

"Every morning when I wake up and get dressed, I leave my hut and take a walk, Usually the sky is still dark and I walk gently, aware of nature all around me and the fading stars. When I think of the earth and my ability to walk on it. I think, 'Im going to go out into nature, enjoying everthing beautiful, enjoying all its wonders.' My heart is filled with joy."

_ Thich Nhat Han11

"God already knows the WHOLE story! No amount of talking, shouting, or noise-making has any information unknown to God. We're INVITED to the CONVERSATION - The Bible."


Transformative Elements
of Christian Living


Thinking through the Christian Life

a Relationship NOT a Religion



Charles H. Spurgeon


THE TALKING BOOK: "There is one thing about God's word that shows its responsiveness to us, and that is when you reveal your heart to it, it reveals its heart to you. If as you read the word, you say, 'Oh Blessed truth, thou art indeed realized in my experience; come thou still further into my heart. I give up my prejudices, I assign myself like the wax, to be stamped with thy seal,' - when you do that, and open your heart to Scripture, Scripture will open its heart to you, for it has secrets which it does not tell to the casual reader, it has precious things of the everlasting hills which can only be discovered by miners who know how to dig and open the secret places, and penetrate great veins of everlasting riches."

... examine ... HOW to READ the BIBLE

. . . more GOOD NEWS

The Power of PRAYER

This Week's Recommended Group Reflection: mirror-honesty


The Lord God is loyal in love - full of mercy - gracious - longsuffering - abundant in goodness and truth - forgiving - just.
The Journey with Neville (Your Voice Illuminated) - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: BulletSq ILICET - A Time To Begin Again (True Story) BulletSq SBL Series: 2:26 AM, The Gathering (Matchbox Mystery) and BulletSq Flight Of The Fused Monkeys (5-Star Series). Life is beautiful and full of surprises. Breathe! Along our journey of life and learning we challenge ourselves toward the reaches of our highest ideals: to be our best, do our utmost, achieve our finest, wherever necessary and practicable redesigning the contours of possibility, reshaping human capability. Enjoy top dramatic, inspirational, mystery, scifi, and true stories. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Lead. Learn with us. Secure your PERSONNAL SELECTION of 'Sven: The High Achiever's Journey'. Share the experience.

Food for Thought

A Central / Pivotal Theme sifted through Holy Scriptures:


What is love? 1. Usher 2. Jay Shetty 3. Davis Schlichte
4. Al Baner 5. Dr. Fouad Alama 6. Carlton Carter 7. Sadhu Guru

'Ticklers' Found on Social Media

{ a Warning about Bible Thumping !!!! }

Have you turned your bible into a book of abuse, a book of insults, a book of harassment, a book of threats, a book of bigotry? For many the holy bible is a book of sacred writings. It is scripture. It is a book of mystery, of wonder, of hope, of healing, of restoral, of renewal; it's a marvelous journey!

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