What's the big idea? (Why? Where? When? Who? How?) Beyond The Hero beautiful minds stout with playful curiosity, who are not inhibited by unrestrained questions, make bold intelligent bets on Better. They thrive on action! This is deliciously tricky, especially in complex arenas where issues are inevitably multi-sided, simultaneous, have real conditions and true constraints. In order for solutions to be sustainably rendered these implementers Beyond The Hero satisfy six criticals. This requires, at its best, wholesomeness and a readiness to go where one has never been before. It takes guts. This is definitely not for the one who is energized debating, dividing and putting down, whatever the disguise. Distinctly, this requires valued positive engagement with supportive connections, bettered with a fruitful grasp of cognizant dissonance, contact switching, concentration, and a healthy connection to rejection.
Our souls look back
In wondrous surprise
At how we've made it So far from where we started
- Dr. Maya Angelou
"I wouldn't be able to do this if I didn't join this team, and the journey we've been on has been monumental . . . For all the kids out there who dream the impossible, you can do it too -- I believe in you guys." ~ Lewis Hamilton
Not revelatory, remarkable! Daily (practically), through Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn - setting aside musical outpourings of patterned clouds and jolting warnings of boisterous thunders, and the likes thereof - a few folks (perhaps many, depending on one's preternatural perspective), folks who privilege us with trust gracefully attended while jostling freshly minted puppy breezes, often experience with us the first wink of our sun as it smiles waking, then as it smiles rising into full glory on a journey radiating boundless energy, fueling life throughout its neighborhood.
Its labor, working 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second, converting 4 million tons of matter into energy every second, is delivered to each of us free. Yes. No wonder each and every wink of our sun - Helos, Sol, Smiley - is welcomed somewhere, and has been welcomed for nigh on five billion years.
It is a welcome unconditionally unfolded by billions and billions and billions of intertwined lives. Yes.
It is a work without which no life known (as is) to many kinds of us would ever be. Yet, still, for its candor, some bristle at the sight of its arrival, desperate for quick shade. Understandably! Ah, but that first wink! Not revelatory. Remarkable.
It is a wink that swells our gratitude. A gratefulness as well for those who haven't seen the sun's wink, who can't, whose sacrifice allows us this inspiring privilege. Those who haven't, by virtue of destiny. Those who can't, by virtue of calling, keeping us safe, healing us, feeding us. Those who sacrifice, laboring as is the sun, and must need rest each time our sun winks. Grateful. Yes. As grateful as a fed puppy. Grateful to them, too, for love, for laughter, for learning, for listening, for leading, for life - oh, what a life.
Not revelatory, remarkable, and a fueled reminder: inspiration is hardly enough.
Beyond The Hero, with every blink of its brilliance our collaborative sun reminds us:
- of your unfathonable worthiness
- of your unconditional worth
- of ours too
- of the regenerative power of personal forgiveness
- of the non-relenting practice of self-acceptance
- of the essentiality of showing up for oneself again and again
- of the wonder and power and necessity of supportive connection
Perhaps, if not for certain, in that wholesome mode - healed, fueled - your blessed lives (too) experience a shining through your love, your laughter, your learning, your listening, your leading, and ours too, and in this way (too) we are able to afford approaching our calling, our passion, our dream, our innovations, our creations, with the simplicity of a proven Master Golfer: "See ball, hit ball, see putt, hole putt, go to the next."
Oh, what a life!
Not revelatory. Remarkable.
do something bold that makes life better |
Welcome to episode three of BEYOND THE HERO (part 3) - mulit-hyphenate clarity - curated by Neville DeAngelou, aware of a river flowing in each of us, and in this moment just about ready to welcome another wink of our sun, and in the meanwhile sprinkling refractions of rainbowish light on the pivotal elements of how some of the blessed among us have learned then turn to doing what they do and to doing what they do the best ways they know how, perhaps for the love of getting it done, perhaps just like you do. Isn't that awesome? We're not alone!
Enjoy actionable discoveries continuously shared - smartly - particularly those that uplift, inspire, promote harmony, expand opportunities, exemplify beauty, and reveal wonder, in other words, those proven to strengthen our emboldened exercise of genuine love through all of love's fertile dimensions, supplying those of us who are blessed and inspired to take action with necessary skillsets to be awesome in our real world. Namaste. Share.