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This Week In The Chapel

Lights on
Living Well

The Seven Cees

Beyond The Hero
Neville DeAngelou

consult collaborate contribute


Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:

How do you show up?

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 this series is sponsored

The Hunks
I Dreamed


(an IDY Series)


Love Series
Golgotha Series
Circle Series
Life Strategies
Beat The Odds
5 Enriching Virtues
An Elegant Life
A Beautiful Life
The 7 Cees
Myth or Mystery?
Season 5-5

Neville DeAngelou

Neville DeAngelou


Like any good mother, her desire was to have her child grow bright and bold, and to be full of good humor and wit, and to be generous and courageous and kind.

For, being such, how could anyone not have the most beautiful story?

After all, what is the code and concept of life, of living, of humanity, if it is not to find one's calling and to have that calling be greater than one's self; if it is not to pursue that calling and complete it with joyous self-respect?

_ Neville


Imperfectly Perfect


A few sprinkles here. A few sprinkles there. A few sprinkles - well - s-w-i-s-h - everywhere.

I remember Cinderella. Oh, wait a minute! That was a fairy tale. Nevermind. Almost forgot I am in the real world. Real people. Real struggles. Real everything pressed down, boiling over, all of it in full grown-up measures. Got it. Swat. Turn the light on. Aha!

At every glance this is brilliantly obvious: only you can live your life; no one else can live your life for you. Can you see that? I do. Can you feel it too - resonating through your being - an 8, 9, maybe 10 on your private Richter scale? Awesome.

And yet popularized thoughts and actions, gripes and groans, vices and values, in many a varied legitimate way belie that proclaimed reality. Folks far and near, on the contrary to that reality, are professing extreme frustration at their inability to live their own lives. They confess inability to live the way they wake up meaning to live; to live out who (at heart) they know themselves to be; to live into the gorgeous promise that is the hope of most every newborn (certainly theirs), and - damn it - for many, if they can't live theirs they wont let you live yours either. Hmm? Ewwwww?

This latter scenario has shifted dramatically for mighty conquerors of The Seven Cees - (Character, Competence, Courage, Confidence, Compassion, Calling and Clarity) - who have fully embraced a fierce prerogative, "This Is My Life!" And that is awesome.

Welcome to the conclusion of our Leave Tracks series - Living Well - curated by Neville DeAngelou, mindful of the many trapped in valleys of war, and those imprisoned by their own minds, some knowingly, some unwittingly, and those bound by cultist ideals, and those stuck under the tyranny of tags and isms and archys, and those too tired to care anymore. Mindful. So mindful.


Talk is cheap.

Silence is better than bullcrap.


Are you ready to show up sleeves rolled, knowing we are what we do, not what we say we'll do? Access these actionable discoveries continuously being shared - smartly - particularly those that uplift, inspire, promote harmony, expand opportunities, exemplify beauty, and reveal wonder, in other words, those proven to strengthen our emboldened exercise of genuine love through all of its fertile dimensions, supplying those of us, who are blessed and inspired to take action, with the necessary skillsets to be awesome in our real world. Namaste. Share.

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Dreamers Hill

H - U - G - S
love's pollen on
wings of dreams


BREATHE. Health-giving activities are available FREE on RyoSports.com (fitness for your total being). Enjoy. Take some time to recognize who you are, what you are, where you are.

Sermon Quotes
'Lights On' Merch

a Fork in The Road

Destination A: Faith Friends Family SNAKE
Destination B: Health Wealth Happiness TIGER
Destination C: Peace Love Tranquility SHARK

Which destination did you choose? How will you get there?


The Act & It's Promise

* * *


Blowing Stardust

designing - developing - distributing
- is your project progressing -

A Starstruck Life

In the toss of many words few perform sweet puppetry in all of us. God utters this word and that word, and we behold wonders. So is heard. And so is said. The mind of a champion, the soul of a hero, the spirit of a believer, the will of a survivor, are swept and swooned into the realms of greatness on the wings of just a few words. Such words are like mustard seeds.

ILICET - A Time To Begin Again



We've come this far on the shoulders of giants, fetched aloft as far as they could go, their labors furnishing our feed, their stories tuning the rhythms of our ride. And we grew. Mighty giants.

Some by favor.
Some by faith.
Some, by far, fine structures - minds and hearts and souls sturdy and strong, supple, and full of sweet laughter. Blessed children growing.


Remarkable new creations we are, built for all times, our routines renewed in every seaon, our habits refined, our narratives flexed, framed in leveraged languages scrolled across our heartbeats, ever learning, ever seeding our DNA, and passed along in seminal ways with matrixed strands of unblemished truth, unforgettable truth, undeniable truth, unconquerable truth. Remarkable beings we are.


(Laboring salts. Leveling salts. Wet and dry. Multiplying mounds of sacred salts. Steadily dripped-upon prismatic ponds of salt set aside - safely off from polluted lakes seeping steadily into swelled seas of tears - birdless seas - anguished seas. Soothing salts sieved from timeless sweat - some wet, some dry - lavishly spread.)


(Oiled. Oiled we are by beads of joy. Our eyebrows oiled. Our lips oiled. Our earlobes oiled. Our elbows oiled. Our knees oiled. Limbered. Nimble. Suppled sweet. Oiled.)

Readied for strides of unparalled leaps and soaring heights, with the flaps of genius - envied that much more - built to thrive beneath the fetch of a new breed - a breed beyond the hero. A new creation.


Creative. Adaptive.

A Pollock, a parrot, a player, whether sensational, sensible or supreme, if displaying originality, reason, emotion or empathy: these too are our allied tutors guiding new originals, emerging creatives, evolving adaptives, all borne ever more ready for their fetch and their carry; built indefatigable against backward thrusts and virulent swirls of hopelessness; fetching, carrying (though unburdened), their steps, their strides, their flight, their breaths carve indelible tracks across eons. Ah, it is chips from these carvings and spills from these fillings - (the stirred energies of noble labor blown free by the blessed kisses of a fickle breeze) - that are our sprinkled stardust.


So when someone sees Cindi and Cyril and Keisha and Keith glittering and gleaming and shimmering and shining at the ball, even if that someone's eyes refuse to believe and his or her mind is at a loss to comprehend the scene, advise that someone to take all eyes off of sparkles and to follow all paths sprinkled with stardust, and he or she will come upon the pits. Ah, in there he or she will find the makings of our Cinderellas, and perhaps might begin to comprehend why it is easier to spin tales made-up of pumpkins and glass slippers and clocks and carriages. You see, we've come this far - splitted and spliced - through storms, across plains and by way of conquered cees on the shoulders of giants with bruised knees, hammering steel. Not on wishes. And now our tongues are as sweet as honey. Our kisses fill stars and moons with joy-light.



"Isn't it amazing what a boy with a slingshot, a few pebbles, a good brain, and an unconquerable will can do? This is the question a missionary posed to our Sunday School class years later. That night, however, on that box, mommy's eyes and teeth flashed under the starlight and I felt her breath as this story bounced and swirled from her like an expertly tossed yoyo, and this time, David's triumph over Goliath informed me in a very different way." What did the people see?

[ ILICET - A Time To Begin Again ]


What do stars do? Really?


Who Owns Your Life? And Its Responsibility?


Allow yourself to be INSPIRED - but YOU still HAVE TO DO the WORK.




Your gift unrealized, un-exercised, undelivered, rests in the harmony of your joy and your passion like a prized egg - a golden egg on sunlit hay. That's where your central gift always is - in the harmony of your joy and your passion. Always!.

Riding Moby Dick



You are valued. You are important. What you experience is important. Your intention matters. You are a whole being. You are a true wonder. You diminish yourself whenever you pit valued elements of who you are against vital elements of who you are: your intuitive self against your intellectual self, your rational self against your emotional self, your gut against your heart against your head. Don't be put at war against yourself: you are a masterpiece. An intricate being. Human!

Leave viable Tracks


"But he bargained with Rock. He reasoned with Rock. He stirred Rock on behalf of many likewise stuck. He cornered Rock and said to him, 'Rock, build them a window. Just build a window for each of them. Give them each a glimpse. Give each a view. Let them see beyond the forest. Let them see above the canopy. Let them see their dreams. Don't try to drag them through. Build them each a window. Do that for me.' He printed that on Rock's heart, then he drank the witch's brew, like a flood." Riding Moby Dick

mentor coach advocate sponsor

Life: it is a dance. It gets better with practice; its music is in your heart and in your soul and in your blood and in your bones. Life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. You have a partner – your spirit. You can have a party if you like, but choose smartly who you invite, for life – your life – is a dance. It gets better with practice, unless you stop the music or so crowd your dance floor there is no space to move or be moved within it. Explore. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice until the dance becomes the dancer and the dancer becomes the dance and life and all of existence becomes a singular flow. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. Dance.


a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

tour de force


The Path Of Reflection is a journey of exploration, of revelations, of discoveries; in its shinest moments a place of clarity, so from there, fresh and brimming with new ideas, a hot new plan, a brave new direction, Rock and Rod approached The Path Of Restoration. If they had chosen a new theme song then, it would have been, I Can See Clearly Now. Riding Moby Dick



Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.


. . .


. . .



let your light shine


Come, let us all be friends for once, 
Let us make life easy on us, 
Let us be lovers and loved ones,
The earth shall be left to no one.

Yunus Emre

reclaim lost ground for keeps
wealth time
- focus - - rhythm -





The Hunks I Dreamed by Neville DeAngelou


2:26 AM - The Gathering (SBL Audio Dramatized)
on Audible on Apple (iTunes) on Amazon

The Great Teller shares An Epic Truth

Across the nation and around the world there is a long rumble.

It is a rumble so loud it strikes ready ears as a distant clap of a fierce thunder. It is a rumble so low, it rides beneath the noise of a thousand human fears; it can no longer be heard. Fear of flight, fear of heights, fear of sand, fear of snow, fear of monsters in the closet, fear of bugs in the pillow, fear of cats, fear of bats, fear of strangers at the door, fear of being lost, fear of being laughed at, fear of being stuck in the toilet bowl, fear of whites, fear of blacks, fear of browns, blues and yellows, fear of nakedness, fear of the unknown, fear of being hurt.


2:26 AM - The Gathering

Smile. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Learn. Be awesome. You are powerful beyond measure. You are not alone. You can do all things. I am you. You are me. We are one. Keep Sharing.

May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey.

"Live Your Life - Live it well. You are worth it."

Listen. Learn. Lead.


Task Recommendations: 1) Practice being nimble; flexibility will facilitate you leaps and bounds. 2) Don't prolong pointless or fruitless debates and discussions; devise ways to end them judiciously, and if possible amicably, but don't waste your valued time nor let anyone waste you with it. 3) If something is none of your business, don't make it your business; if your presence or involvement is unproductive, do yourself and everyone else involved a favor and step aside. It's both healthy and wise. 4) Don't be afraid to back-track, turn around, or overturn your bad choices, poor decisions, or wrong actions. We are all human. Admit it to yourself. Make any necessary change. And move on. You'll only do yourself more harm digging your heels in. Learn early not to interpret your failures as fatal; if they are you are already dead and gone (leave tracks). 5) Nourish fruitful relationships; keep these out of toxic environments, remove leaches, allow wounds to heal. 6) Embrace the moment. Enjoy your moments. There are many ways, you'll see. The more you embrace, the more you'll cherish, the more you'll enjoy, and the less you will create unembraceable moments. That's what we have found. 7) Be present.

Something to Consider: Along any treasured journey you will be bombarded with disinformation. Unfortunately, much of it will come at you invoking 'God' and 'tribe' and 'country' and much of it will gnaw into you inciting your most vulnerable emotions and much of it will mess with your mind. That's the bargain when you step into the arena. That's your deal for choosing to grow up. Without discernment, without smart decision-making, good luck. You'll need help. Lots of help. Regardless. And help is always available. Consult. Collaborate. Contribute. Just something to consider. Who will you trust? Hmm? This is your life!

We are accompanied.
Balance - Focus - Rhythm


Dare to lead your life with joy. Check this out - Be the best you can be!

The Hunks I Dreamed by Neville DeAngelou

Every new era is marked by a challenge that reveals the true nature of its character, its soul, its heart, our very being; a challenge so pervasive, so corrosive, so corrupting, it indulges our need for respite; a challenge that demands a new breed - A Breed Beyond The Hero.

An Interview @ Fifteen



* * *

You are

strong - brave - capable - valued - gifted - possessed of joy, hope, peace and love - treasured - entrusted - loved - courageous


See ILICET - A Time To Begin Again

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Love is alive in fertile dimensions, where it lifts you up, never puts you down, and is always real! Love heals.
The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: BulletSq ILICET - A Time To Begin Again (True Story) BulletSq SBL Series: 2:26 AM, The Gathering (Matchbox Mystery) and BulletSq Flight Of The Fused Monkeys (5-Star Series). Life is beautiful and full of surprises. Breathe! Along our journey of life and learning we challenge ourselves toward the reaches of our highest ideals: to be our best, do our utmost, achieve our finest, wherever necessary and practicable redesigning the contours of possibility, reshaping human capability. Join our posse. We are changing the game! We welcome your perspective. Enjoy top dramatic, inspirational, mystery, scifi, and true stories. Live. Love. Laugh. Look. Listen. Lead. Learn with us. Get your FREE AUDIO of 'Sven: The High Achiever's Journey'. You'll be glad you did. Share the experience.

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