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Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:
How do you deal with doubt?
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Do you have a slew of spunky little neices, nephews, cousins galore, god-children and lovey-dovies of good friends? I do. Another of life's classrooms. Exciting. I am still learning. It is pool time. They can't swim. I do. Take a look at two types of this spunky crop of first-timers: the squirrels and the koalas. You know them? Both want to be in the pool. With me. And their parents? I should've gotten a hint when they disappeared. The price one pays for wearing the Happy Crown. Koala will not let go of my eyes and my nose in the water - believe me hands of sheer fear are not pliable - doesn't want to be in the pool without me; doesn't want to be out of the pool if I am in the pool. Hmm? Squirrel jumps into the deep end of the pool without warning - absolutely sure I will jump in behind him - in - out - in - out - in - out. No warning! Hmmm? You should try this exercise; I'm sure it's fit for something. BREATHE. Health-giving activities are available FREE on RyoSports.com (fitness for your total being). Enjoy. What word would you say to the person in your mirror today? |
Someone is praying for things you take for granted.
You are valued. You are important. What you experience is important. Your intention matters. You are a whole being. You are a true wonder. You diminish yourself whenever you pit valued elements of who you are against vital elements of who you are: your intuitive self against your intellectual self, your rational self against your emotional self, your gut against your heart against your head. Don't be put at war against yourself: you are a masterpiece. An intricate being. Human! |
What Time Is It? |
Where are you right now? Are you sure? What time is it? These might seem idle questions. Then again - given a mindset - given a circumstance - each might well be the most important question of a critical moment. So, where are you right now? Are you sure? What time is it? There is another reason these questions are being posed, given the aforementioned matrix each and all of us are occasioned to pass through. We are setting the stage to take a closer look at a few popular illusions, some of which are destroying the hopes and dreams and passions of far too many. We might well be gearing up to blast a few of those illusions to smitherenes. So eyes wide open! Be prepared for a breakthrough. We have so much to learn, don't we? That's exciting. (I so love a good mystery). Meanwhile, here are those two questions again. Where are you right now? Are you sure? What time is it?
Life: it is a dance. It gets better with practice; its music is in your heart and in your soul and in your blood and in your bones. Life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. You have a partner – your spirit. You can have a party if you like, but choose smartly who you invite, for life – your life – is a dance. It gets better with practice, unless you stop the music or so crowd your dance floor there is no space to move or be moved within it. Explore. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice until the dance becomes the dancer and the dancer becomes the dance and life and all of existence becomes a singular flow. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. Dance.
Who Dreams Big Dreams: Who dreams of climbing a sheer wall of granite rock 3,000 feet up into the sky through nature's roughest elements, bearing the full weights of their bodies on the grips of their fingers and toes, bloodied and bruised, able to grab only onto the barest edges of rock as thin and sharp as razor blades, a climb to be endured for no less than 19 days, bolstering the mind each step against a death drop onto jagged rocks while the world gazes in fits and gasps? What possesses someone to peer deep through the blackness of our universe, select from a horrendous number of alien rocks hurtling through our ether one traveling from the outer edges of our birth 55,000 miles per hour on a death route towards the sun and percieve of a plan to dispatch from earth and land on it, 510 million kilometers from earth ten years into the future? Why would someone conceive of the idea to leave the comfort of his or her home and community to go amongst people they do not know, people expiring of deadly diseases - communicable diseases, epidemics that can kill them too - the worst of all viruses? Why do such persons leave their loved ones and put their lives at imminent risk to fetch comfort to such people, to offer healing, to inspire hope when death is a thing that always comes? Who dreams big dreams? |
Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Come, let us all be friends for once, Yunus Emre
May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey. "Live Your Life - Live it well. You are worth it." |
Listen. Learn. Lead. |
strong - brave - capable - valued - gifted - possessed of joy, hope, peace and love - treasured - entrusted - loved - courageous
The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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