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Revelation | Redemption | Resurrection |
Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:
Which wound challenges you most?
Be Liberated
. . . . whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
living waterI am made in the image of God, not your image of God. What If: We Seek Justice? In a poignant sermon, speaking of Jesus' righteous indignation in the temple, Rev Diaz reminded us - for the cause of justice - to Whip It Good, and how, and why! Whip It Good! "A few weeks ago I told the story of Miriam, who survived the holocaust in World War 11. "Miriam told her son years later of two objects that sustained her in her life in those times. "One of those objects was a piece of bread she always had somewhere on her clothes. The other object was a broken piece of a comb. "So a piece of bread and a piece of comb! "She kept the bread in case someone needed it more than she did. "Imagine that! You're going through this struggle and you are holding this just in case somebody might need it. And also, she kept the comb, so that every morning and every night to be sure to do her hair and comb it. "She said that she wanted to make sure that your outward appearance somehow made a connection with the divine worth that she had on the inside. "The smallest thing: bread and a broken piece of comb: one for justice and charity; and the other to affirm the person that gives her strength as she lives out her call and her life." And that's a cool thing our Associate Pastor told us.
Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
An Extraordinary Adventure
Phase 2Examining blood-stained Golgotha |
(Phase 3)A transforming experience of The CIRCLE, by way of land and sea, Beyond Resurrection Morning, across The Desert, through The Valley |
(Phase 4)On to The Lean Side of The Mountain where Jesus is delivering Phenomenal Life Strategies |
Be transformed by the renewing of your MIND, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. |
A clean mirror is an excellent place at which a healthy mind may pause to pose practical questions pregnant with consequential outcomes. A suite of such questions might well be: "Self, am I where I want to be? Will this step and the step I am about to take lead me to where I must of necessity be (called to be / plan to be / desire to be / deserve to be)? Self, whenever I am brash enough to say, 'my steps are ordered by the Lord,' can I sit at breakfast with The Lord, eye to eye or cheek to cheek, and authentically say, 'Lord, you ordered each step I have taken and am taking'? Yes, you did, Lord." A follow-up trio of questions might well be, "What lord am I referencing? What voice am I hearing? Do I know how best to assess outcomes which are certain to follow each step I take?" As a matter of personal practicality I find it enabling to know the times, and recognize the season when it is necessary to step out from echo-chambers to where my authentic voice is clear, and equally to stay away from 'religious jargon' and 'noise' to be in that place where the still voice of assurance is unequalled and clear. What about you?
We have just begun our virtual climb to the top of blood-stained Golgotha, where once stood the cross upon which Jesus, The Christ, was crucified, and from which Jesus cried out such mournful sounds no human in this life would relish shrieking from the depth of the soul. And yet many do! This road we are climbing is winding up-hill, well-worn, noisy, and so dusty there remains an ongoing clamor for clarity and cleaner air, for it is a path so polluted, some climbers are finding it hard to breathe fresh life-giving breaths. Yet still, along our climb to its blood-stained top we are sharing our stories, for in these and from these some of us are finding respite and upliftment and resolve and recourse and guidance and encouragement and hope and strength and restitution. Stories have extraordinary power. They shape reality. (We're advised to remain ever aware of our stories!) |
ALL acts Have Consequences!This is a fundamental nature of our Universe. All living creatures known abide in this fundamental reality: all acts (all: every single one - good, bad, and indifferent) have consequences intended and/or unintended regardless of the nature of its actor. This is an inescapable conditition of revealed existence, not a whip of condemnation nor a threat from The Divine Creator. This enabling realization will cast a brilliant floodlight on our discoveries during our virtual climb to the top of Golgotha to explore a unique moment there, and as we share our stories and our findings along the way. (It is probably worthwhile - especially for those new to this life-giving journey who are as yet to join this series from the beginning where we found ourselves first Walking On Air then went on to experience The Authentic Nature of True Love - to make this note. Welcome! We are on a resourceful life adventure. We are exploring and discovering (individually) what best comports a remarkable life. We do not engage in doctrinal pronouncements. We are not the least bit interested in denominational or non-denominational dogmas. Anything of that ilk is best addressed to your preferred preacher. This is an authentic exploration into our living reality. All are welcome. Authenticity is our key. I am a believer. We are linked in love and the joy of life. We share stories.) Taking this virtual path up to the top of blood-stained Golgotha, in reality our senses are raw and heightened. I hear lashes. I feel mockery. I see betrayals. I smell blood. Upon the tongue there is dust. These lashes are not all struck with the same whips throughout each generation along this climb; still they rip vulnerable flesh. Mockery is much the same. Traps are ever more ingenius, but betrayal is the same. Blood is everywhere. And upon the tongue there is dust! The inflicted pain is real. The inflicted suffering is real. (What do you see? Or smell? Or feel? Or hear? Or taste? This far, what have you touched?) Some are numb. We are climbing. We are sharing stories. It is in the nature of stories - many kinds of stories - to be malleable; to be shaped and reshaped by its teller for the particularities of the listening ear; to be annotated for the level of the indwelt mind; to be sauced and seasoned for the gestating soul; to be cushioned and pillowed for the light and easy heart, or hammered and crusted for the endurance of a stikingly strong lung. That's a power in great stories. It is often designed to bring light to some worthy aspect of truth. Or to inspire. Or to embolden. Or to entertain. Or to educate. We need stories. We are stories. But any such machination of an original story retold with claim, pretence or portent of full authenticity kept, no matter how pure the intention, is not a story whole in its representation of truth; therein lies its explosive danger! That manner of storytelling (polished portions pretending wholeness) is one of evil's sharpest tools - and evil is exceptionally effective with the use of it! Prostitution abounds. We are sharing our stories. This rock upon which I rest my weary feet is teeming with miracles. Two stories - perhaps of different times, relayed in different genres - unfold. You've probably seen or heard or experienced them too. For real! Life does that to us. These two stories have been told countless times in different tongues, twisted or straight, tainted with every spiritual, religious, superstitious, righteous, self-righteous, plain, powerful, beautiful or preachy taste. And each of us is privy to our view, which is quite often innocently percieved to equate the same as every other experience of that view. Worse, portending it is God's perfect view! Prostitution abounds. Some climbers confess they have lived and some still living these very two stories for real. Right now! Sadly, a lack of authentic context in slanted tellings have for far too long denied some of us the stupendous life-enhancing boosts imbeded in great stories of divine truth. Fake witnesses provide condemning testimonies. Cowards wash their hands of revealed facts. Conviction is at the ready. And upon dusty tongues a sponge of vinegar is set. No water. No wine. Soaked sponge on long sticks. Though even miracles come from stones, no fruit comes from dead seeds. On this rock, in this remarkable reveal, these two stories side by side and at times entertwined offer me (personally) an unfolding miracle, a spring of fresh water. May I share a wee sip with you? In one portion of this miracle, I experience a warmth, a smile, a joy, a twinkle, I perceive coming from My Loving Creator - a sparkling refresher - perhaps intended for me alone, a lift, a translated wisdom, practical measures standing up out of these very two stories parenthetically sheilded from noise and dust and pontificating. I am, of course, referring to the story of the Prodigal Son and of the story some know as Stubborn Pharoah & The Plagues. In this miracle, I am privileged to be the father, then by turns, each of his sons, and similarly in turns for all those likewise notable within Pharoah's full story. At pivotal junctures, while transformed into the being of each of these immense characters (call it imagining if you must; I find in it a revitalizing miracle) I come face to face with a wandering child climbing Golgotha's bloody hill. Each child at his or her turn, noting my condition during that particular transformation - authentically me, verily that character - poses the same question: what happened? Who-ah! Woohoo! Truly, life is awesome. This portion of the reveal is to me as a new life-giving miracle unfolding! Okay, one might even say I am imagining greatly. True! Through it all I discover more about healing and the healer, about loving and the lover, about the lure of longing, about vulnerability and shame and power, about traps and trappings, about courage. All of it (for me) growth material! Therefore, I shun self-righteousness. I'd rather be wrong than puffed with vain-glory. No one can hide from God. What about you? What happened along the way for you? To you? DISCUSS "I am the door. If anyone enters through Me, that one will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Jesus, Son of Man, Prince of Glory, Redeemer.
Who made the mountains? Who made the trees? Who made the rivers flow to the sea? Who sends the rain when the earth is dry? Who made the flowers to bloom in the spring? Who made the song for the robins to sing? Who hung the moon in the starry sky? Yes, all that and way much more! Healer, Deliverer, Sustainer. Sees all. Knows all. Can do all things, even demonstrating the healing power of love and joy and empathy and compassion and forgiveness. Don't drill teeth!
What is your story? |
Come, let us all be friends for once, Yunus Emre
Is there anyone you've judged not worthy of the journey? "It is not our experience that makes our lives, it is what we do with it."When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to more than I can be.
The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few fun games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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