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Fascinating people boldly transforming their lives before us. Discussion for your group:
Eyes of a Child
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One might grant that it is natural to presume the interactions and outcomes of one's customary environment constitute the true definition of normal. Intelligent exploration expands and enhances that perspective considerably. Here are what we found. Our universe is diverse. Our universe is evolving exponentially faster than it ever has. (Vertigo is in the offfing.) "Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open," says Thomas Dewar. Open. Explore. Discover more. Reflect. Share. Be healthy. PREVENTION is better than CURE. Here are a few health-giving activities available FREE on RyoSports.com (fitness for your total being). Enjoy. |
Impossible Problems hiding Possible Solutions
You are valued. You are important. What you experience is important. Your intention matters. You are a whole being. You are a true wonder. You diminish yourself whenever you pit valued elements of who you are against vital elements of who you are: your intuitive self against your intellectual self, your rational self against your emotional self, your gut against your heart against your head. Don't be put at war against yourself: you are a masterpiece. An intricate being. Human! |
Embrace Life |
You're not alone. That doesn't ease the sting, does it? That scalding. Truth be told, if your experience isn't real, there would be no need for the likes of a Mohandas Gandhi. If your expereince is not real, there would be no need for the likes of a Martin Luther King Jr. If your experience is not real, there would be no need for the likes of Nelson Mandela. It's a scalding! We know. And if you but dare to name it - allbeit for resolution's sake - when they (Nelson, Martin, Mohandas) but dared they too faced the scolding - the shut-up kind: stop complaining, don't be lazy, work harder, you haven't earned it yet, stop expecting special treatment (huh? and that's all on the nice range of the shut-up spectrum). They were not alone either. But there is power in your reality. M-hm. You've just got to come to a realization. Jesus did. Convert your 'huh?' into 'I've got it'. You see, this dismiss is pregnant with revelation. It just told you a lot. Believe what you are learning. Accept it. Take note of it. Don't argue it. You've just been delivered fuel for your power; you just haven't learned that yet. That's coming. First things first, remind yourself not to complain. Yes, we know, you were not complaining. But remind yourself. It's a good thing. Yes, we know they told you to shout for help if you need help. It is just a misunderstanding. Yes, we know, what's-her-name & what's-his-name did the same thing, and look how easily their situations were resolved. We know. It is just a misunderstanding. You are neither him nor her. Remind yourself. And why would you want to be? Their story is not your story. Remind yourself. Remind yourself not to be lazy; yes we know it, just like you know it: how hard you work, so hard, who is there that would want to stand one half-day of your laboring! We know about such things; you're not alone, and no one has walked in your shoes, true, but remind yourself: it's a good thing. Square your shoulder. Fill up on this fuel. It's fuel; you just don't realize it yet. That's coming. Draw strength from the confidence in your competence. Resolution time is in your hand. Your laboring will come in handy. Perhaps advocacy. Perhaps policy. Perhaps autonomy. Perhaps transformation. Perhaps evolution. Yes, you've got what it takes to turn things around. Your story! Don't think revenge; no time for that type of thinking. It's distracting. It's consuming. Embrace the experience. Don't let anyone step on you, though, but embrace the experience. It is going to work to your good; you'll see. Listen, though. We are no positive good to others when we are no good to oursleves, but negativity could use us, and will use-abuse us just so, and have nothing left of us but that on which to dust its feet. Seek out those who are doing or did or are achieving or attained what you need to do to reach where you are going, supposing here on up ahead to be the wiser-better place to be than aback of growth's tugging fields. Learn. Being you - that better you - better than you yesterday, you gain - we too! And them. So be. Let them be them. You be you! That better you! Let your soul nourish YOU! Do you. Against the struggle. Do you. In rhythm with the music of the wind carrying you. Live out your story. Be strong. Pick up somebody while you're down - hand-holding-hand, embrace the experience. It's your story. If you're out in the rain dance. If you're not alone, embrace the wet. Embrace the life you are creating. Let your life reveal your story; it will - no matter what!
Life: it is a dance. It gets better with practice; its music is in your heart and in your soul and in your blood and in your bones. Life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. You have a partner – your spirit. You can have a party if you like, but choose smartly who you invite, for life – your life – is a dance. It gets better with practice, unless you stop the music or so crowd your dance floor there is no space to move or be moved within it. Explore. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice until the dance becomes the dancer and the dancer becomes the dance and life and all of existence becomes a singular flow. Yes, life; it is a dance. It gets better with practice. Dance.
A Battle for Life: "My son, the bully is not strong. Were he strong he would not be a bully! Rather not stir the fight, consider what is right and pick your battles wisely. Prefer not violence neither just victory; prefer the stance. There are always better ways. Often, better ways require brain and gut and heart. Let muscle be a tool of your mind and not your mind a tool of your muscle. Remember: muscle is equally the tool of the fool. Remember too: victory is not always determined at the site where an enemy is crushed. Ask the Phoenix. Have guts, but rahter not the fight Have heart, but don't don't cut it away from your head." _ Norma (ILICET - A Time To Begin Again) |
Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Come, let us all be friends for once, Yunus Emre
May our light shine on sprinkled seeds along The Journey. "Live Your Life - Live it well. You are worth it." |
Listen. Learn. Lead. |
strong - brave - capable - valued - gifted - possessed of joy, hope, peace and love - treasured - entrusted - loved - courageous
The Journey - Your Voice Illuminated - Our Global Digital Radio Show & Podcast. We stop at exotic places, meet fascinating folks with intriguing stories and novel solutions to some of life's tricky problems. We play a few games too, and track remarkable characters of three classics: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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