The Conversation Continues |
The Conversation featuring Katelyn & Kwaleo 30 @ The OCCC
What is the toughest issue, who is the most difficult person, what is the most awkward situation with whom or in which to have a real honest conversation? All conversations have 3 essential elements. It is time to have that conversation. |
Playing With Fire by Katelyn Sullins
- A poem read live at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center
Mental Clarity by Kwaleo30
- A question for you, mom.
- Project Mental Clarity - Track 1 - This Vibe
What Would You Do? What Did You Do? Every Night!!!
Who is your advocate? What would you do if your were Evan Leedy? Deep through trampled trenches beneath these hustling cities this blast of light cuts across long muffled groans to find there, too, stars do twinkle and golden faces shine. |
Not Gonna Give You Up
Mental Clarity by Kwaleo30
- Project Mental Clarity - Track 2 - Every Night
Beyond The Conversation to Broken Relationships - a chat!
How are you building your relationship? Is it set on a strong foundation or built to be broken? What are you doing to effect a lasting change? |
Not Gonna Give You Up
Mental Clarity by Kwaleo30
- Project Mental Clarity - Track 4 - Are You Proud Of Me?
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