What is a Matchbox Mystery?
An immersive experience. You land on the island like a fish out of water, laugh, shout, dance, scream, dream; emerge dopamine drenched, renewed; you're now a mastermind, primed, fetching a sachel of pristine goblet-gems. |
Have you ever accompanied anyone through a phenomenal escape room, tinkered with a delicious who-done-it or won an exotic cross country treasure hunt? Put those three together, add historical intrigue; you're in the belly of a matchbbox mystery. Don't scratch. Enriching. Elevating. Up the euphoria: spring ashore with family, friends and cohorts. |
Lovely puzzles. Games. Obstacles. Clues. Juicy little mysteries coiled into delicious intrigue. No red herrings. What may prove irrelevant to solving one cabacle is sure to be pivotal, seminal or a clue to another. Hang on to your wits; win new friends. Matchbox mysteries are a treasure trove of gems. Stumped by a riddle, eh, you'll still be enriched. Transported, primed to run through again. Wiser. That's what a matchobx mystery does to ya. |
a Sound Byte Life Machbox Mystery |
"Bitter to the belly, slight to the mouth, sweet going in, stuck on the out; you want me." BEGIN |
What communal and individual attitudes and aspirations characterize your community? Ours are camaraderie, communication & collaboration?
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The Journey with Neville (a Collaborative Community of Creatives) facilitates exploration of these richer qualities of life; promotes profound experiences that satisfy the love of being alive. BEGIN |
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